hansmach1ne / LFImap

Local File Inclusion discovery and exploitation tool
Apache License 2.0
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When 404 code is expected response, LFImap just stops. Testing request fails to notice alive endpoint. #57

Closed hansmach1ne closed 1 month ago

hansmach1ne commented 1 month ago

└─$ python3 lfimap.py -U "https://mach1ne.org/a/PWN"

[-] Something unexpected has happened, initial testing response is not clearly received. Please check your switches and url endpoint(s). Exiting...

nrathaus commented 1 month ago

"Problematic" code is here:

        r,_ = REQUEST(config.url, headers, config.postreq, config.proxies, "test", "test", exploit = False, followRedirect = True, isCsrfRequest = False)
        if(not args.http_valid): args.http_valid = [200, 204, 301, 302, 303]

        if(not r):
            print(colors.red("[-]") + " Something unexpected has happened, initial testing response is not clearly received. Please check your switches and url endpoint(s). Exiting...")

Using the http_valid arg, you can override this list to include 404 - is a fix really needed?

hansmach1ne commented 1 month ago

@nrathaus I am aware of the --http-ok flag, it is built exactly for this kind of situation, however yes the fix is needed as initial response has 404 HTTP code, if(r) yields in false. I will fix some of the issues probably next week. Cheers!

nrathaus commented 1 month ago

I can provide a fix if you want - just say the word

hansmach1ne commented 1 month ago

lfimap.py: L287.

if(not r) changed to if(not r.text), in case of 404 status code, if block yields correctly.

└─$ python3 lfimap.py -U "https://mach1ne.org/a/PWN"                    

[i] Testing GET '' parameter...
[-] GET parameter '' doesn't seem to be vulnerable....

LFImap finished with execution.
Parameters tested: 1
Requests sent: 53
Vulnerabilities found: 0
nrathaus commented 1 month ago

It is not a good idea to do it this way: if not r.text:

Makes you think that r.text is boolean, even Python doesn't like it:

  File "lfimap.py", line 738, in <module>
  File "lfimap.py", line 390, in main
    if not r.text:
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'text'

In addition, REQUEST returns bool in some cases:

    except requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema:
        if not args.no_stop:
                + " Previous request caused InvalidSchema exception. Try specifying '--no-stop' to continue testing even if errors occurred..."
                + " InvalidSchema exception detected. Server cannot parse the parameter URI. Try proxying requests to see exactly what happened..."
        return False, False
nrathaus commented 1 month ago

I suggest to standardize the return response of REQUEST so that the variables returned are always same time

Something like: return success, response, doContinue

Where success is True/False