hansonrobotics / basic_head_api

Sophia robot bringup and test expressions and animations
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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What is the relationship between this and pau2motors? #2

Closed linas closed 9 years ago

linas commented 9 years ago

Somehow, this and pau2motors have or are going to have some sort of interaction, right? How?

Will this also be used to drive the blender api?

More generally, How do you run this? What are the pre-requisites?

Gaboose commented 9 years ago

This node sends pau messages to pau2motors, which are converted to motors messages there.

This node probably won't be used to drive blender_api. Unless it's more convenient for them to send euler angles for the neck instead of a quaternion (this node makes the euler->quaternion conversion with the point_head topic). As for expressions, Eva.blend in blender_api deals directly with blendshapes, which is enough to send the commands (pau messages) directly to pau2motors, skipping over the basic_head_api.

There's no special prerequisites other than ROS.

linas commented 9 years ago

OK, so ... now I'm even more confused...

1) why does it matter what coordinate system is used for the neck, and why would the neck coordinate system be the deciding reason for using or not using this? Why would that matter?

2) why is the basic_head_api needed? Who sends messages to this? What are those messages?

So: some piece of high-level software needs to be able to control individual robots heads, and the eva head, using more-or-less the same API for both. What API is this, and where is it defined? What is the name of the high-level bit of software? Where can I find the code and specs for it?

That high-level API needs to somehow be converted into the messsages needed to drive the eva, dmitrri and einstein heads. Where is this conversion done?

vytasrgl commented 9 years ago

This node is depreciated, we use it to manually define expressions while we didn't have the blender to do that, currently we use it to test our behaviour as the blender expressions and mappings are not done for EVA and Dmitry do not have the static expressions in blender.

The Basic Head API currently used for our ros_motors_webui to control the face and head movement from mobile devices.

linas commented 9 years ago

Ah .. OK if its deprecated .. I guess the README should say that. I'll ignore anything deprecated.

.. But that implies that ros_motors_webui is also deprecated? Or just some certain mode of it is deprecated?

linas commented 9 years ago

... and if its deprecated, is there a time-line by which this disappears? End of the month? End of the year?

vytasrgl commented 9 years ago

Once we start using the Blender expressions (month or two i would think). However it is usefull to make static expression for some small motors.

linas commented 9 years ago

OK. I'm just trying to figure out what stuff in here will be used in the finished product (and thus has to be carefully maintained, tested, documneted etc), and what parts are miscellaneous tools, hacks, brinup scaffolding that would not appear in the final product. This has that kind of name that makes it sound important...