hansukyang / UWG_Matlab

Urban Weather Generator
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Add the Ability to Request Outputs from the UWG (other than the EPW) #4

Open chriswmackey opened 9 years ago

chriswmackey commented 9 years ago

I am imaging having one of the slots of the XML being a list of requested outputs that the UWG could write into aa CSV file (at different timescales of daily, hourly, or 5 minute timestep). To briefly list some of the outputs that I am thinking about:

Surface temperature for outdoors (walls+roof+road) Surface temperature for indoors (walls+roof+mass) Vegetation evapotranspiration (or latent heat) Solar heat gain of canyon Street anthropogenic heat gain of canyon Building conduction heat gain/loss to canyon Building HVAC heat rejection to canyon

hansukyang commented 8 years ago

I spoke to Les about having a default output of relevant variables in a csv format, including the ones that you mentioned above. In terms of time-step, I would have imagined hourly would be sufficient - would there be cases where you need it in finer increments?

chriswmackey commented 8 years ago

@hansukyang ,

Hourly is a perfectly good goal and, even though I know E+ includes the ability to request increments at finer timesteps, I have never really found this feature useful except to understand the frequency with which windows were opening/closing in natural ventilation scenarios. Especially since the UWG does not include such natural ventilation right now, we can leave it out but, speaking of this: https://github.com/hansukyang/UWG_Matlab/issues/5

Just put it up here so that we don't forget about it. -Chris