hanton / Fisheye

Open Source iOS 360 Degree Panorama Video Player. (HTY360Player is renamed to Fisheye)
MIT License
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The media data could not be decoded on this device #13

Closed SteveEdson closed 8 years ago

SteveEdson commented 8 years ago

Getting this issue with SlateVideo360, however I think it is coming from this instead. My video plays fine on an iPhone 6, but on other devices like a 5c and a iPad, I get the error.

Is this due to my video, or the code? Some sources like stack overflow suggest its an issue with the code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26209099/error-domain-avfoundationerrordomain-code-11821-cannot-decode


SteveEdson commented 8 years ago

Re-encoded and fixed the issue

hanton commented 8 years ago

Usually, I use Quicktime and export to a iPhone compatible format.

SteveEdson commented 8 years ago

Yeah I used Handbrake in the end with the "Web optimized" setting enabled. I had to make sure that cropping was also turned off.
