Additionally I have tried to get the bundle this way. Unfortunately that gets an empty bundleURL, so you never get to the bundle.
let podBundle = Bundle(for: HTY360PlayerVC.classForCoder())
if let bundleURL = podBundle.url(forResource: "HTY360Player", withExtension: "bundle"),
let bundle = Bundle(url: bundleURL) {
// ... never gets to here
Thank you for your consideration in advance with regards to this matter, I really appreciate it.
Hello I have a question about integration with CocoaPods, I am getting the fatal error listed in the title every time I try to present the player.
Additionally I have tried to get the bundle this way. Unfortunately that gets an empty bundleURL, so you never get to the bundle.
Thank you for your consideration in advance with regards to this matter, I really appreciate it.
Best, Henry