hanxi / xiaomusic

使用小爱音箱播放音乐,音乐使用 yt-dlp 下载。
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型号统计,说下各自的设备型号和能否播放。 #30

Open HessianZ opened 4 months ago

HessianZ commented 4 months ago

待兼容设备,可以设置 XIAOMUSIC_USE_MUSIC_API 为 true 试试,如果这样设置有效请告知我一下,方便以后版本不用设置。

Bbeginner commented 4 months ago

猜测 LX04、X10A 和 L05B L05C 都不行,因为我的L05C(play增强也是残废),在xiaogpt里面说目前已知 LX04、X10A 和 L05B L05C 可能需要使用 --use_command,否则可能会出现终端能输出GPT的回复但小爱同学不回答GPT的情况。这几个型号也只支持小爱原本的 tts.估计是这样。

jumplong commented 3 months ago


hanxi commented 3 months ago


现有的实现是通过接口去播放音乐的。代码在这里 https://github.com/yihong0618/MiService/blob/main/miservice/minaservice.py

jumplong commented 3 months ago


现有的实现是通过接口去播放音乐的。代码在这里 https://github.com/yihong0618/MiService/blob/main/miservice/minaservice.py


HuntzzZ commented 3 months ago


doublechaos commented 3 months ago

小米AI音响一代 (S12) 亲测成功了 !

lin1005q commented 3 months ago

小米AI音响一代 (S12) 亲测成功了 !


darkrain88 commented 3 months ago

2019 play lx05 可以

jock101 commented 1 month ago

L16A xiaomi sound 功能正常。

Nuaalzy commented 1 month ago

lx06 能播放本地歌曲,能通过指令播放; 需要严格使用指令:播放歌曲+歌名; 如果直接使用播放音乐+歌名,或者使用播放+歌名的相似指令则会通过qq音乐播放。

hanxi commented 1 month ago

lx06 能播放本地歌曲,能通过指令播放; 需要严格使用指令:播放歌曲+歌名; 如果直接使用播放音乐+歌名,或者使用播放+歌名的相似指令则会通过qq音乐播放。


mensylisir commented 1 month ago

lx06 能播放本地歌曲,能通过指令播放; 需要严格使用指令:播放歌曲+歌名; 如果直接使用播放音乐+歌名,或者使用播放+歌名的相似指令则会通过qq音乐播放。

lx06 能播放本地歌曲,能通过指令播放; 需要严格使用指令:播放歌曲+歌名; 如果直接使用播放音乐+歌名,或者使用播放+歌名的相似指令则会通过qq音乐播放。


aimersomeone commented 1 month ago

我也是lx06,输入歌名,能下载不能播放 同样如此

Nuaalzy commented 1 month ago

lx06 能播放本地歌曲,能通过指令播放; 需要严格使用指令:播放歌曲+歌名; 如果直接使用播放音乐+歌名,或者使用播放+歌名的相似指令则会通过qq音乐播放。

lx06 能播放本地歌曲,能通过指令播放; 需要严格使用指令:播放歌曲+歌名; 如果直接使用播放音乐+歌名,或者使用播放+歌名的相似指令则会通过qq音乐播放。



aimersomeone commented 1 month ago


XIAOMUSIC_HOSTNAME 这个不是填音箱的ip吗,填群晖ip?

Nuaalzy commented 1 month ago


XIAOMUSIC_HOSTNAME 这个不是填音箱的ip吗,填群晖ip?


aimersomeone commented 1 month ago


cx-xichen commented 4 weeks ago

0.1.55 实测小爱音箱pro(LX06)播放日志正常,没有声音,选择单曲循环,随机播放有确认语音。搜索以后可以创建音乐文件,但音箱没有声音。

hanxi commented 4 weeks ago

0.1.55 实测小爱音箱pro(LX06)播放日志正常,没有声音,选择单曲循环,随机播放有确认语音。搜索以后可以创建音乐文件,但音箱没有声音。

这个型号应该是能正常播放的,你确认一下是不是改了端口?改端口见 https://github.com/hanxi/xiaomusic/issues/19

cx-xichen commented 4 weeks ago

0.1.55 实测小爱音箱pro(LX06)播放日志正常,没有声音,选择单曲循环,随机播放有确认语音。搜索以后可以创建音乐文件,但音箱没有声音。

这个型号应该是能正常播放的,你确认一下是不是改了端口?改端口见 #19

是改了端口,端口改回了8090就可以播放了, 谢谢

slasjh commented 4 weeks ago

LX05A (万能遥控板) 网页可以下载,但是音箱不播放

hanxi commented 4 weeks ago

LX05A (万能遥控板) 网页可以下载,但是音箱不播放

楼上 LX5A 能正常使用,你检查一下是不是 ip 或者端口的原因?或者开 debug 模式(XIAOMUSIC_VERBOSE设为true)提交一下日志。

carson512 commented 4 weeks ago

X08C 还是被自带音乐处理了

[13:31:42] [0.1.56] [DEBUG] url:https://userprofile.mina.mi.com/device_profile/v2/conversation?source=dialogu&hardware=X08C&timestamp=1719235902947&limit=2 [13:31:42] [0.1.56] [DEBUG] _get_last_query:{'code': 0, 'message': 'Success', 'data': '{"bitSet":[0,1,1],"records":[{"bitSet":[0,1,1,1,1],"answers":[{"bitSet":[0,1,0,1],"type":"TTS","tts":{"bitSet":[0,1],"text":"好呀,请欣赏晴天 试听版,手机打开小爱音箱APP,开通音乐会员听全曲。"}},{"bitSet":[0,1,0,0,1],"type":"AUDIO","audio":{"bitSet":[0,1],"audioInfoList":[{"bitSet":[0,1,1,1],"title":"晴天","artist":"周杰伦","cpName":"xiaowei"},{"bitSet":[0,1,1,1],"title":"青花瓷 (Live)","artist":"周杰伦","cpName":"xiaowei"},{"bitSet":[0,1,1,1],"title":"在你的身边","artist":"盛哲","cpName":"xiaowei"},{"bitSet":[0,1,1,1],"title":"哪里都是你","artist":"队长","cpName":"xiaowei"},{"bitSet":[0,1,1,1],"title":"说好不哭 (with 五月天阿信)","artist":"周杰伦","cpName":"xiaowei"},{"bitSet":[0,1,1,1],"title":"简单爱(变音歌曲)","artist":"周杰伦","cpName":"xiaowei"},{"bitSet":[0,1,1,1],"title":"霍元甲","artist":"周杰伦","cpName":"xiaowei"},{"bitSet":[0,1,1,1],"title":"安静 (绝色菟菟专属)","artist":"周杰伦","cpName":"xiaowei"},{"bitSet":[0,1,1,1],"title":"开不了口 (2001劲歌金曲第四季季选现场) (Live)","artist":"周杰伦","cpName":"xiaowei"},{"bitSet":[0,1,1,1],"title":"我不配","artist":"周杰伦","cpName":"xiaowei"}]}}],"time":1719235801193,"query":"播放音乐周杰伦晴天","requestId":"a3dced7f3b7a447fbbeaf775647349c5"},{"bitSet":[0,1,1,1,1],"answers":[],"time":1719235781774,"query":"闭嘴","requestId":"c66d867a56574cc19179c7806770d347"}],"nextEndTime":1719235703668}'}

hanxi commented 4 weeks ago



slasjh commented 4 weeks ago

LX05A (万能遥控板) 网页可以下载,但是音箱不播放

楼上 LX5A 能正常使用,你检查一下是不是 ip 或者端口的原因?或者开 debug 模式(XIAOMUSIC_VERBOSE设为true)提交一下日志。

语音说:播放歌曲,下载的是童话.m4a,查看docker logs xiaomusic,貌似问题是:ffprobe and ffmpeg not found,这个如何解(手动下载的[v0.1.54],然后构建的镜像)


[00:20:21] [0.1.54] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:get_volume# opvalue:get_volume oparg: [00:20:22] [0.1.54] [INFO] get_volume. volume:48 [00:27:10] [0.1.54] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:播放歌曲 opvalue:play oparg:童话 [00:27:10] [0.1.54] [INFO] do_tts: 正在下载歌曲童话 [00:27:11] [0.1.54] [INFO] 正在下载中 童话:童话 [BiliBiliSearch] Extracting URL: bilisearch:童话 [download] Downloading playlist: 童话 [BiliBiliSearch] 童话: Extracting results from page 1 [BiliBiliSearch] Playlist 童话: Downloading 1 items of 1 [download] Downloading item 1 of 1 [BiliBili] Extracting URL: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av931713340 [BiliBili] 931713340: Downloading webpage [BiliBili] BV1bM4y1K7py: Extracting videos in anthology [BiliBili] 931713340: Extracting chapters [BiliBili] Format(s) 1080P 高清, 720P 60帧, 1080P 60帧, 4K 超清 are missing; you have to login or become premium member to download them. Use --cookies-from-browser or --cookies for the authentication. See https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-pass-cookies-to-yt-dlp for how to manually pass cookies [info] BV1bM4y1K7py: Downloading 1 format(s): 30280 [download] Destination: music/童话.m4a [download] 100% of 17.33MiB in 00:00:03 at 4.37MiB/s ERROR: Postprocessing: ffprobe and ffmpeg not found. Please install or provide the path using --ffmpeg-location [download] Finished downloading playlist: 童话 [00:27:21] [0.1.54] [INFO] cur_music 童话 [00:27:21] [0.1.54] [INFO] 播放 [00:27:21] [0.1.54] [INFO] 已经开始播放了 [00:27:21] [0.1.54] [WARNING] 执行出错 [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mutagen/_util.py", line 251, in _openfile fileobj = open(filename, "rb+" if writable else "rb") FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 508, in run_forever await func(arg1=oparg) File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 594, in play self.set_next_music_timeout() File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 451, in set_next_music_timeout sec = int(self.get_file_duration(filename)) File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 443, in get_file_duration audio = mutagen.File(filename) File "/app/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mutagen/_util.py", line 162, in wrapper_func with _openfile(None, filething, filename, fileobj, File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/contextlib.py", line 135, in enter return next(self.gen) File "/app/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mutagen/_util.py", line 272, in _openfile raise MutagenError(e) mutagen.MutagenError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

hanxi commented 4 weeks ago

LX05A (万能遥控板) 网页可以下载,但是音箱不播放

楼上 LX5A 能正常使用,你检查一下是不是 ip 或者端口的原因?或者开 debug 模式(XIAOMUSIC_VERBOSE设为true)提交一下日志。

语音说:播放歌曲,下载的是童话.m4a,查看docker logs xiaomusic,貌似问题是:ffprobe and ffmpeg not found,这个如何解(手动下载的[v0.1.54],然后构建的镜像)


[00:20:21] [0.1.54] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:get_volume# opvalue:get_volume oparg: [00:20:22] [0.1.54] [INFO] get_volume. volume:48 [00:27:10] [0.1.54] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:播放歌曲 opvalue:play oparg:童话 [00:27:10] [0.1.54] [INFO] do_tts: 正在下载歌曲童话 [00:27:11] [0.1.54] [INFO] 正在下载中 童话:童话 [BiliBiliSearch] Extracting URL: bilisearch:童话 [download] Downloading playlist: 童话 [BiliBiliSearch] 童话: Extracting results from page 1 [BiliBiliSearch] Playlist 童话: Downloading 1 items of 1 [download] Downloading item 1 of 1 [BiliBili] Extracting URL: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av931713340 [BiliBili] 931713340: Downloading webpage [BiliBili] BV1bM4y1K7py: Extracting videos in anthology [BiliBili] 931713340: Extracting chapters [BiliBili] Format(s) 1080P 高清, 720P 60帧, 1080P 60帧, 4K 超清 are missing; you have to login or become premium member to download them. Use --cookies-from-browser or --cookies for the authentication. See https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-pass-cookies-to-yt-dlp for how to manually pass cookies [info] BV1bM4y1K7py: Downloading 1 format(s): 30280 [download] Destination: music/童话.m4a [download] 100% of 17.33MiB in 00:00:03 at 4.37MiB/s ERROR: Postprocessing: ffprobe and ffmpeg not found. Please install or provide the path using --ffmpeg-location [download] Finished downloading playlist: 童话 [00:27:21] [0.1.54] [INFO] cur_music 童话 [00:27:21] [0.1.54] [INFO] 播放 [00:27:21] [0.1.54] [INFO] 已经开始播放了 [00:27:21] [0.1.54] [WARNING] 执行出错 [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mutagen/_util.py", line 251, in _openfile fileobj = open(filename, "rb+" if writable else "rb") FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 508, in run_forever await func(arg1=oparg) File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 594, in play self.set_next_music_timeout() File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 451, in set_next_music_timeout sec = int(self.get_file_duration(filename)) File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 443, in get_file_duration audio = mutagen.File(filename) File "/app/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mutagen/_util.py", line 162, in wrapper_func with _openfile(None, filething, filename, fileobj, File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/contextlib.py", line 135, in enter return next(self.gen) File "/app/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mutagen/_util.py", line 272, in _openfile raise MutagenError(e) mutagen.MutagenError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

看上去是你的主机的cpu不是arm64或者amd64的,目前包里带的 ffmpeg 并不支持 armv7 这些 cpu,没找到合适的 ffmpeg 包,有空我再想想怎么解决这个问题,你目前只能听本地歌曲,或者等自定义歌单功能上线。

slasjh commented 4 weeks ago

LX05A (万能遥控板) 网页可以下载,但是音箱不播放

楼上 LX5A 能正常使用,你检查一下是不是 ip 或者端口的原因?或者开 debug 模式(XIAOMUSIC_VERBOSE设为true)提交一下日志。

语音说:播放歌曲,下载的是童话.m4a,查看docker logs xiaomusic,貌似问题是:ffprobe and ffmpeg not found,这个如何解(手动下载的[v0.1.54],然后构建的镜像) 试过,直接放入第一次.mp3格式歌曲,可以正常语音播放 [00:20:21] [0.1.54] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:get_volume# opvalue:get_volume oparg: [00:20:22] [0.1.54] [INFO] get_volume. volume:48 [00:27:10] [0.1.54] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:播放歌曲 opvalue:play oparg:童话 [00:27:10] [0.1.54] [INFO] do_tts: 正在下载歌曲童话 [00:27:11] [0.1.54] [INFO] 正在下载中 童话:童话 [BiliBiliSearch] Extracting URL: bilisearch:童话 [download] Downloading playlist: 童话 [BiliBiliSearch] 童话: Extracting results from page 1 [BiliBiliSearch] Playlist 童话: Downloading 1 items of 1 [download] Downloading item 1 of 1 [BiliBili] Extracting URL: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av931713340 [BiliBili] 931713340: Downloading webpage [BiliBili] BV1bM4y1K7py: Extracting videos in anthology [BiliBili] 931713340: Extracting chapters [BiliBili] Format(s) 1080P 高清, 720P 60帧, 1080P 60帧, 4K 超清 are missing; you have to login or become premium member to download them. Use --cookies-from-browser or --cookies for the authentication. See https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-pass-cookies-to-yt-dlp for how to manually pass cookies [info] BV1bM4y1K7py: Downloading 1 format(s): 30280 [download] Destination: music/童话.m4a [download] 100% of 17.33MiB in 00:00:03 at 4.37MiB/s ERROR: Postprocessing: ffprobe and ffmpeg not found. Please install or provide the path using --ffmpeg-location [download] Finished downloading playlist: 童话 [00:27:21] [0.1.54] [INFO] cur_music 童话 [00:27:21] [0.1.54] [INFO] 播放 [00:27:21] [0.1.54] [INFO] 已经开始播放了 [00:27:21] [0.1.54] [WARNING] 执行出错 [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mutagen/_util.py", line 251, in _openfile fileobj = open(filename, "rb+" if writable else "rb") FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 508, in run_forever await func(arg1=oparg) File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 594, in play self.set_next_music_timeout() File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 451, in set_next_music_timeout sec = int(self.get_file_duration(filename)) File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 443, in get_file_duration audio = mutagen.File(filename) File "/app/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mutagen/_util.py", line 162, in wrapper_func with _openfile(None, filething, filename, fileobj, File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/contextlib.py", line 135, in enter return next(self.gen) File "/app/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mutagen/_util.py", line 272, in _openfile raise MutagenError(e) mutagen.MutagenError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

看上去是你的主机的cpu不是arm64或者amd64的,目前包里带的 ffmpeg 并不支持 armv7 这些 cpu,没找到合适的 ffmpeg 包,有空我再想想怎么解决这个问题,你目前只能听本地歌曲,或者等自定义歌单功能上线。

大神猜得很对,确实是arm玩客云。有一个办法已解决在线语音播放。就是容器内更新 FFmpeg,再将配置config.py中FFmpeg 路劲变更为更新的/usr/bin/ffmpeg。可以正常播放。但是bug是:有两个文件,一个mp3和m4a

zhou51320 commented 3 weeks ago


stderr: [13:27:46] [0.1.61] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:播放歌曲 opvalue:play oparg:最长的电影 stderr: [13:27:46] [0.1.61] [INFO] do_tts: 正在下载歌曲最长的电影 stderr: [13:27:47] [0.1.61] [WARNING] 执行出错 'arg1' stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 567, in run_forever stderr: await func(arg1=oparg) stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 637, in play stderr: await self.download(search_key, name) stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 327, in download stderr: await self.do_tts(f"正在下载歌曲{search_key}") stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 274, in do_tts stderr: await self.play() stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 620, in play stderr: parts = kwargs["arg1"].split("|") stderr: KeyError: 'arg1' stderr: stdout: [BiliBiliSearch] Extracting URL: bilisearch:最长的电影 stdout: [download] Downloading playlist: 最长的电影 stdout: [BiliBiliSearch] 最长的电影: Extracting results from page 1 stdout: [BiliBiliSearch] Playlist 最长的电影: Downloading 1 items of 1 stdout: [download] Downloading item 1 of 1 stdout: [BiliBili] Extracting URL: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av839953312 stdout: [BiliBili] 839953312: Downloading webpage stdout: [BiliBili] BV1v54y1R7EW: Extracting videos in anthology stdout: [BiliBili] 839953312: Extracting chapters stdout: [BiliBili] Format(s) 1080P 高清, 720P 高清, 1080P 60帧, 4K 超清 are missing; you have to login or become premium member to download them. Use --cookies-from-browser or --cookies for the authentication. See https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-pass-cookies-to-yt-dlp for how to manually pass cookies stdout: [info] BV1v54y1R7EW: Downloading 1 format(s): 30280 stdout: [download] Destination: music/最长的电影.m4a stdout: [download] 0.0% of 5.21MiB at 439.42KiB/s ETA 00:12 [download] 0.1% of 5.21MiB at 378.95KiB/s ETA 00:14 [download] 0.1% of 5.21MiB at 527.85KiB/s ETA 00:10 [download] 0.3% of 5.21MiB at 710.52KiB/s ETA 00:07 [download] 0.6% of 5.21MiB at 993.07KiB/s ETA 00:05 [download] 1.2% of 5.21MiB at 1.16MiB/s ETA 00:04 [download] 2.4% of 5.21MiB at 1.65MiB/s ETA 00:03 [download] 4.8% of 5.21MiB at 2.47MiB/s ETA 00:02 [download] 9.6% of 5.21MiB at 3.87MiB/s ETA 00:01 [download] 19.2% of 5.21MiB at 5.69MiB/s ETA 00:00 [download] 38.4% of 5.21MiB at 8.95MiB/s ETA 00:00 [download] 76.8% of 5.21MiB at 12.18MiB/s ETA 00:00 [download] 100.0% of 5.21MiB at 14.50MiB/s ETA 00:00 [download] 100% of 5.21MiB in 00:00:00 at 6.15MiB/s
stdout: [ExtractAudio] Destination: music/最长的电影.mp3 stdout: Deleting original file music/最长的电影.m4a (pass -k to keep) stdout: [download] Finished downloading playlist: 最长的电影 stderr: [13:29:38] [0.1.61] [INFO] 未匹配到指令,自动停止 stderr: [13:29:38] [0.1.61] [INFO] 定时器已取消 stderr: [13:30:16] [0.1.61] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:播放歌曲 opvalue:play oparg:最长的电影 stderr: [13:30:16] [0.1.61] [INFO] do_tts: 正在下载歌曲最长的电影 stderr: [13:30:17] [0.1.61] [WARNING] 执行出错 'arg1' stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 567, in run_forever stderr: await func(arg1=oparg) stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 637, in play stderr: await self.download(search_key, name) stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 327, in download stderr: await self.do_tts(f"正在下载歌曲{search_key}") stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 274, in do_tts stderr: await self.play() stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 620, in play stderr: parts = kwargs["arg1"].split("|") stderr: KeyError: 'arg1' stderr: stdout: [BiliBiliSearch] Extracting URL: bilisearch:最长的电影 stdout: [download] Downloading playlist: 最长的电影 stdout: [BiliBiliSearch] 最长的电影: Extracting results from page 1 stdout: [BiliBiliSearch] Playlist 最长的电影: Downloading 1 items of 1 stdout: [download] Downloading item 1 of 1 stdout: [BiliBili] Extracting URL: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av839953312 stdout: [BiliBili] 839953312: Downloading webpage stdout: [BiliBili] BV1v54y1R7EW: Extracting videos in anthology stdout: [BiliBili] 839953312: Extracting chapters stdout: [BiliBili] Format(s) 1080P 高清, 720P 高清, 1080P 60帧, 4K 超清 are missing; you have to login or become premium member to download them. Use --cookies-from-browser or --cookies for the authentication. See https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-pass-cookies-to-yt-dlp for how to manually pass cookies stdout: [info] BV1v54y1R7EW: Downloading 1 format(s): 30280 stdout: [download] music/最长的电影.mp3 has already been downloaded stdout: [ExtractAudio] Not converting audio music/最长的电影.mp3; file is already in target format mp3 stdout: [download] Finished downloading playlist: 最长的电影 stderr: [13:30:30] [0.1.61] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:get_volume# opvalue:get_volume oparg: stderr: [13:30:31] [0.1.61] [INFO] get_volume. volume:15 stderr: [13:30:35] [0.1.61] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:get_volume# opvalue:get_volume oparg: stderr: [13:30:35] [0.1.61] [INFO] get_volume. volume:15 stderr: [13:30:55] [0.1.61] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:播放歌曲 opvalue:play oparg:| stderr: [13:30:55] [0.1.61] [INFO] 下一首 stderr: [13:30:55] [0.1.61] [INFO] cur_music 暗号 stderr: [13:30:55] [0.1.61] [INFO] 播放 stderr: [13:30:56] [0.1.61] [INFO] 已经开始播放了 stderr: [13:30:56] [0.1.61] [INFO] 本地歌曲 暗号 : music/暗号.mp3 的时长 275 秒 stderr: [13:30:56] [0.1.61] [INFO] 定时器已取消 stderr: [13:30:56] [0.1.61] [INFO] 275秒后将会播放下一首

hanxi commented 3 weeks ago


stderr: [13:27:46] [0.1.61] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:播放歌曲 opvalue:play oparg:最长的电影 stderr: [13:27:46] [0.1.61] [INFO] do_tts: 正在下载歌曲最长的电影 stderr: [13:27:47] [0.1.61] [WARNING] 执行出错 'arg1' stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 567, in run_forever stderr: await func(arg1=oparg) stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 637, in play stderr: await self.download(search_key, name) stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 327, in download stderr: await self.do_tts(f"正在下载歌曲{search_key}") stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 274, in do_tts stderr: await self.play() stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 620, in play stderr: parts = kwargs["arg1"].split("|") stderr: KeyError: 'arg1' stderr: stdout: [BiliBiliSearch] Extracting URL: bilisearch:最长的电影 stdout: [download] Downloading playlist: 最长的电影 stdout: [BiliBiliSearch] 最长的电影: Extracting results from page 1 stdout: [BiliBiliSearch] Playlist 最长的电影: Downloading 1 items of 1 stdout: [download] Downloading item 1 of 1 stdout: [BiliBili] Extracting URL: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av839953312 stdout: [BiliBili] 839953312: Downloading webpage stdout: [BiliBili] BV1v54y1R7EW: Extracting videos in anthology stdout: [BiliBili] 839953312: Extracting chapters stdout: [BiliBili] Format(s) 1080P 高清, 720P 高清, 1080P 60帧, 4K 超清 are missing; you have to login or become premium member to download them. Use --cookies-from-browser or --cookies for the authentication. See https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-pass-cookies-to-yt-dlp for how to manually pass cookies stdout: [info] BV1v54y1R7EW: Downloading 1 format(s): 30280 stdout: [download] Destination: music/最长的电影.m4a stdout: [download] 0.0% of 5.21MiB at 439.42KiB/s ETA 00:12 [download] 0.1% of 5.21MiB at 378.95KiB/s ETA 00:14 [download] 0.1% of 5.21MiB at 527.85KiB/s ETA 00:10 [download] 0.3% of 5.21MiB at 710.52KiB/s ETA 00:07 [download] 0.6% of 5.21MiB at 993.07KiB/s ETA 00:05 [download] 1.2% of 5.21MiB at 1.16MiB/s ETA 00:04 [download] 2.4% of 5.21MiB at 1.65MiB/s ETA 00:03 [download] 4.8% of 5.21MiB at 2.47MiB/s ETA 00:02 [download] 9.6% of 5.21MiB at 3.87MiB/s ETA 00:01 [download] 19.2% of 5.21MiB at 5.69MiB/s ETA 00:00 [download] 38.4% of 5.21MiB at 8.95MiB/s ETA 00:00 [download] 76.8% of 5.21MiB at 12.18MiB/s ETA 00:00 [download] 100.0% of 5.21MiB at 14.50MiB/s ETA 00:00 [download] 100% of 5.21MiB in 00:00:00 at 6.15MiB/s stdout: [ExtractAudio] Destination: music/最长的电影.mp3 stdout: Deleting original file music/最长的电影.m4a (pass -k to keep) stdout: [download] Finished downloading playlist: 最长的电影 stderr: [13:29:38] [0.1.61] [INFO] 未匹配到指令,自动停止 stderr: [13:29:38] [0.1.61] [INFO] 定时器已取消 stderr: [13:30:16] [0.1.61] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:播放歌曲 opvalue:play oparg:最长的电影 stderr: [13:30:16] [0.1.61] [INFO] do_tts: 正在下载歌曲最长的电影 stderr: [13:30:17] [0.1.61] [WARNING] 执行出错 'arg1' stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 567, in run_forever stderr: await func(arg1=oparg) stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 637, in play stderr: await self.download(search_key, name) stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 327, in download stderr: await self.do_tts(f"正在下载歌曲{search_key}") stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 274, in do_tts stderr: await self.play() stderr: File "/app/xiaomusic/xiaomusic.py", line 620, in play stderr: parts = kwargs["arg1"].split("|") stderr: KeyError: 'arg1' stderr: stdout: [BiliBiliSearch] Extracting URL: bilisearch:最长的电影 stdout: [download] Downloading playlist: 最长的电影 stdout: [BiliBiliSearch] 最长的电影: Extracting results from page 1 stdout: [BiliBiliSearch] Playlist 最长的电影: Downloading 1 items of 1 stdout: [download] Downloading item 1 of 1 stdout: [BiliBili] Extracting URL: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av839953312 stdout: [BiliBili] 839953312: Downloading webpage stdout: [BiliBili] BV1v54y1R7EW: Extracting videos in anthology stdout: [BiliBili] 839953312: Extracting chapters stdout: [BiliBili] Format(s) 1080P 高清, 720P 高清, 1080P 60帧, 4K 超清 are missing; you have to login or become premium member to download them. Use --cookies-from-browser or --cookies for the authentication. See https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-pass-cookies-to-yt-dlp for how to manually pass cookies stdout: [info] BV1v54y1R7EW: Downloading 1 format(s): 30280 stdout: [download] music/最长的电影.mp3 has already been downloaded stdout: [ExtractAudio] Not converting audio music/最长的电影.mp3; file is already in target format mp3 stdout: [download] Finished downloading playlist: 最长的电影 stderr: [13:30:30] [0.1.61] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:get_volume# opvalue:get_volume oparg: stderr: [13:30:31] [0.1.61] [INFO] get_volume. volume:15 stderr: [13:30:35] [0.1.61] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:get_volume# opvalue:get_volume oparg: stderr: [13:30:35] [0.1.61] [INFO] get_volume. volume:15 stderr: [13:30:55] [0.1.61] [INFO] 匹配到指令. opkey:播放歌曲 opvalue:play oparg:| stderr: [13:30:55] [0.1.61] [INFO] 下一首 stderr: [13:30:55] [0.1.61] [INFO] cur_music 暗号 stderr: [13:30:55] [0.1.61] [INFO] 播放 stderr: [13:30:56] [0.1.61] [INFO] 已经开始播放了 stderr: [13:30:56] [0.1.61] [INFO] 本地歌曲 暗号 : music/暗号.mp3 的时长 275 秒 stderr: [13:30:56] [0.1.61] [INFO] 定时器已取消 stderr: [13:30:56] [0.1.61] [INFO] 275秒后将会播放下一首


qiruizheng commented 3 weeks ago

lx01 播放正常

newrookie001 commented 3 weeks ago

L06A,网页端能够控制设备进行下载,音量调节,单曲循环;但就是无法播放歌曲。同时,音响端,如果模糊语音指令“播放 七里香”,则还是调用QQ音乐;如果严格指令“播放歌曲 七里香”,则后台日志显示能够下载成功歌曲,但无法播放


hanxi commented 3 weeks ago


lanyirenjg commented 3 weeks ago


hanxi commented 3 weeks ago


已知 LX04 X10A X08A 这些触屏版不能播放。

wangweitung commented 3 weeks ago

LX06 works fine,thanks!

hanxi commented 2 weeks ago

LX04 X10A X08A 这些触屏版可以测试 v0.1.90 版本了。

739342280 commented 2 weeks ago

LX04 X10A X08A 这些触屏版可以测试 v0.1.90 版本了。


lanyirenjg commented 2 weeks ago

LX04 X10A X08A 这些触屏版可以测试 v0.1.90 版本了。

LX04 在8090 web上可以播放了,但声音很小。语音控制播放还是不行,使用唤醒词 播放歌曲 +歌曲名无论如何也无法播放nas歌曲,仍然走的是默认QQ音乐,提示试听版。

carson512 commented 2 weeks ago

X08C 增加XIAOMUSIC_USE_MUSIC_API 可以播放 但是感觉音量比QQ和网易云的音量低 是否ffmpeg转换时需要增加部分音量?

hanxi commented 2 weeks ago

X08C 增加XIAOMUSIC_USE_MUSIC_API 可以播放 但是感觉音量比QQ和网易云的音量低 是否ffmpeg转换时需要增加部分音量?


carson512 commented 2 weeks ago

X08C 增加XIAOMUSIC_USE_MUSIC_API 可以播放 但是感觉音量比QQ和网易云的音量低 是否ffmpeg转换时需要增加部分音量?


XiaoMusic v0.1.90 昨天pull的时候还没有91 晚上再试下

carson512 commented 2 weeks ago

X08C XIAOMUSIC_USE_MUSIC_API='true' 添加后才可以播放 1.91版本 音量感觉正常了已经

jibwf commented 2 weeks ago

小米AI音箱第二代 L15A可以正常使用

jibwf commented 2 weeks ago

小米AI音箱第二代 L15A可以正常使用

938134 commented 1 week ago

Redmi小爱触屏音箱Pro 8英寸 X08E没声音

hanxi commented 1 week ago

Redmi小爱触屏音箱Pro 8英寸 X08E没声音


shenzihan666 commented 4 days ago
