hanyazou / TelloPy

DJI Tello drone controller python package
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No easy way to feed video stream to OpenCV #81

Closed gemSquared closed 2 years ago

gemSquared commented 4 years ago

Hello! I have tried a few ways to feed the video data from EVENT_VIDEO_FRAME and none of them worked for me.

I run windows 10 and python 3.6.

I can't find an easy way to install mplayer.

The other method, av, is a PAIN to set up for me. None of the suggestions I saw worked (conda, manual install with ffmpeg dev and shared files, pip).

Can I get some help with this? Or is there any better way to decode the data from the event handler? Is there a way to directly get the video data without being passed around?

Pls help thanks :)

gemSquared commented 4 years ago

I found a very quick and dirty solution to pass video data to OpenCV WITHOUT having to mess around with PyAV, ffmpeg, mplayer, etc.

I basically sent the raw video data given by the EVENT_VIDEO_FRAME subscription to a random UDP IP and port. I then used OpenCV's VideoCapture with the URL of the UDP socket. No nonsense!

Here's my test code that you all can build off from. All you need is the "Important Bit" just make sure you use the global "vidOut" OpenCV buffer to prevent slowing down the VideoCapture thread and causing dropped packets and frame errors.

Oh! And make sure to stop all the threads if your program exits!!!

import pygame
import time

### vvv IMPORTANT BIT vvv ###
# Minimum you need to get video from tello using tellopy

import socket
import threading
import numpy as np
import cv2
import tellopy

vidOut = None    # Frame that can be used externally

stop_cam = False # Stop flag
cam_error = None # Error message can view or raise()
loopback = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

##           VIDEO DISTORTION OTHERWISE! Use vidOut buffer :)
        global vidOut
        global stop_cam
        global cam_error
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture("udp://@") # Random address
        if not cap.isOpened:
        while not stop_cam:
            res, vidOut = cap.read()
    except Exception as e:
        cam_error = e
        print("Video Stream stopped.")

camt = threading.Thread(None,cam) # Start thread

def videoFrameHandler(event, sender, data):   # Video Frame loopback
    loopback.sendto(data,('',5000)) # Random address

drone = tellopy.Tello()
drone.subscribe(drone.EVENT_VIDEO_FRAME, videoFrameHandler)

### ^^^ IMPORTANT BIT ^^^ ###

### vvv Insignificant test code vvv ###
    Simple stuff. For testing. Add your control code here.
    Right now, only these buttons work:
        SPACE  - Quit
        RETURN - Take JPEG and put in the same folder
                 as this file is in (probably)
        z      - Toggle 4:3 960x720 or 16:9 1280x720

    You can also display video to pygame by doing:
        frame = cv2.cvtColor(vidOut, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        frame = np.rot90(frame)
        frame = np.flipud(frame)
        frame = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(frame)
    Just make sure the pygame window fits the frame
    or rezise to fit.

def flightDataHandler(event, sender, data):

def handleFileReceived(event, sender, data):
    global date_fmt
    # Create a file in the same folder as program (hopefully)
    path = 'tello' + str(int(time.time())) + '.jpeg'
    with open(path, 'wb') as fd:
drone.subscribe(drone.EVENT_FILE_RECEIVED, handleFileReceived)
drone.subscribe(drone.EVENT_FLIGHT_DATA, flightDataHandler)

pygameWindow = pygame.display.set_mode((1280,720))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    done = False
    while not done:
        for e in pygame.event.get():
            if e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if e.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                    done = True
                if e.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
                if e.key == pygame.K_z:
                    drone.set_video_mode(not drone.zoom)

            frame = cv2.cvtColor(vidOut, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            frame = np.rot90(frame)
            frame = np.flipud(frame)
            frame = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(frame)

    stop_cam = True
pringithub commented 4 years ago

Nice .. I had problems with libh264 on my mac (when I tried installing the dji official repo that I can't seem to find on github anymore). Now I can't install av on my Ubuntu 16.04 ... :/ Took a break from my frustrations and am looking to get this running again.

Looks promising! Will try soon. Why the heck do I need pygame though? Why not just cv2.show() Edit: nvm, i read the code haha

pringithub commented 4 years ago

This looks like a better repo tbh - https://github.com/Virodroid/easyTello/blob/master/easytello/tello.py Uses udp too

gemSquared commented 4 years ago

This looks like a better repo tbh - https://github.com/Virodroid/easyTello/blob/master/easytello/tello.py Uses udp too

Yep many good libraries for "SDK Mode" . But TelloPy is special. It uses the not-officially-documented tello app communication protocol. Gives you WAY more control... like pictures... and fast mode! :D Also gives you more sensor data. But if you simply wanna just "forward 50, cw 90, flip f" other libraries (or if you do it yourself manually) are okay too :)

Nice .. I had problems with libh264 on my mac (when I tried installing the dji official repo that I can't seem to find on github anymore). Now I can't install av on my Ubuntu 16.04 ... :/ Took a break from my frustrations and am looking to get this running again.

Yes. Very annoying at this time. And most of it works better with python 2.7 (probably)

Looks promising! Will try soon. Why the heck do I need pygame though? Why not just cv2.show() Edit: nvm, i read the code haha

Pygame for controls and the fps clocks. I actually did start to use cv2.imshow() now because converting to pygame surface is expensive with my limited CPU power on my tiny mobile PC. Not worth having everything in one window.

pringithub commented 4 years ago

I'm glad I saw this. Jsyk I incorporated parts of your code to use with ROS - thanks again!


Walt-H commented 3 years ago

The README refers to this project: https://github.com/Ubotica/telloCV/

gemSquared commented 2 years ago

Well I finally got AV to install. WAY lower latency but it's slower on my handheld PC (is weak heh) so I'll stick to my quick and dirty solution...

For anything with more power I still suggest using pyAV if you can get it to install.