I am a very big fan of your work, and I am very thankful for your Python Tello client :D !!
With a lot of people having questions about and mplayer and video_and_keyboard.py, I wanted to contribute solutions that have helped me and others who have reported similar issues.
First, with people typically using video_and_keyboard.py first, I made the example code platform independent for when users want to save an image or video.
Lastly, since all video examples assume mplayer is installed, I added sections to help users install it based on each major platform.
Hi hanyazou,
I am a very big fan of your work, and I am very thankful for your Python Tello client :D !!
With a lot of people having questions about and mplayer and video_and_keyboard.py, I wanted to contribute solutions that have helped me and others who have reported similar issues.
First, with people typically using video_and_keyboard.py first, I made the example code platform independent for when users want to save an image or video.
Lastly, since all video examples assume mplayer is installed, I added sections to help users install it based on each major platform.
Hope all is well during this time!
Best, Walt