hanyuone / Ways-to-NOT-make-money

A basic Python (2.x/3.x) incremental game.
8 stars 3 forks source link

create account broken in py2 version #91

Closed joshgit closed 8 years ago

joshgit commented 8 years ago

Yes Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/Tkinter.py", line 1539, in call return self.func(*args) File "game.py", line 79, in createaccount game_state = game_model.GameState(g2) File "/home/josh/Desktop/coding/Ways-to-NOT-make-money/py2/game_model.py", line 53, in init self.lottoprice = int(self.data[45]) IndexError: list index out of range

joshgit commented 8 years ago

Login also broken under py3 version, with similar error message.

ghost commented 8 years ago

The login was broken with index 23.

hanyuone commented 8 years ago

We might need to fix the auto-updater for that. Also, probably fixed in V0.7.2 (which was fused).

ghost commented 8 years ago


Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec  5 2015, 20:32:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
================= RESTART: C:\Python27\Ways-to-NOT-make-money-master\py2\game.py =================
game model self.data ['auto', '0', 'print', '0', 'counter', '0', 'shares', '0', 'bank', '0', 'upg1h1', '0', 'upg1h2', '0', 'upg2h1', '0', 'upg2h2', '0', 'upg3', '0', 'upg4', '0', 'upg5', '0', 'cupg1', '0', 'cupg2', '0', 'quintillion', '0', 'quadrillion', '0', 'trillion', '0', 'billion', '0', 'million', '0', 'money', '0.0', 'time', '0', 'clicks', '0']
game_state <game_model.GameState instance at 0x030862D8>
g2 ['auto', '0', 'print', '0', 'counter', '0', 'shares', '0', 'bank', '0', 'upg1h1', '0', 'upg1h2', '0', 'upg2h1', '0', 'upg2h2', '0', 'upg3', '0', 'upg4', '0', 'upg5', '0', 'cupg1', '0', 'cupg2', '0', 'money', '0.0', 'time', '0', 'clicks', '0', 'lotto', '0']
update ['auto', '0', 'print', '0', 'counter', '0', 'shares', 'bank', 0, '0', 'upg1h1', '0', 'upg1h2', '0', 'upg2h1', '0', 'upg2h2', '0', 'upg3', '0', 'upg4', '0', 'upg5', 'upg5', 0, '0', 'cupg2', '0', 'money', '0.0', 'time', '0', 'clicks', '0', 'lotto', '0', 'time', 0, 'clicks', 0, 'lotto', 100]
game model self.data ['auto', '0', 'print', '0', 'counter', '0', 'shares', 'bank', 0, '0', 'upg1h1', '0', 'upg1h2', '0', 'upg2h1', '0', 'upg2h2', '0', 'upg3', '0', 'upg4', '0', 'upg5', 'upg5', 0, '0', 'cupg2', '0', 'money', '0.0', 'time', '0', 'clicks', '0', 'lotto', '0', 'time', 0, 'clicks', 0, 'lotto', 100]
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 1536, in __call__
    return self.func(*args)
  File "C:\Python27\Ways-to-NOT-make-money-master\py2\game.py", line 62, in verifysignin
    game_state = game_model.GameState(g2)
  File "C:\Python27\Ways-to-NOT-make-money-master\py2\game_model.py", line 23, in __init__
    self.upgcheck5 = int(self.data[23])
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'upg5'
hanyuone commented 8 years ago

Yeah, we definitely need to fix auto_updater to accommodate for each individual term in the savefile (finally, the words before the individual file saving things are useful!)

bortkiewicz commented 8 years ago

Wait- is it fixed or not? @DerpfacePython @joshgit ? You haven't been active for a while.