haoel / leetcode

LeetCode Problems' Solutions
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Added 19 new problem solutions in Java. #274

Closed Pikeras72 closed 2 years ago

Pikeras72 commented 2 years ago

These are the problems with the new Java solutions:

  1. Median of Two Sorted Arrays
  2. Integer to Roman
  3. Roman to Integer
  4. Longest Common Prefix
  5. Valid Parentheses
  6. Length of Last Word
  7. Recover Binary Search Tree
  8. Excel Sheet Column Number
  9. Happy Number
  10. Power of Two
  11. Power of Three
  12. Power of Four
  13. Is Subsequence
  14. Third Maximum Number
  15. Distribute Candies to People
  16. Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses
  17. Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer
  18. Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence
  19. Sign of the Product of an Array

Execution time of all solutions exceeds 50% to 99% of java solutions in leetcode.

My leetcode profile (https://leetcode.com/Pikeras/)