haoel / leetcode

LeetCode Problems' Solutions
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Added 19 new problem solutions in Java. #275

Open Pikeras72 opened 2 years ago

Pikeras72 commented 2 years ago

These are the problems with new Java solutions and explanations:

4 - Median of Two Sorted Arrays 12 - Integer to Roman 13 - Roman to Integer 14 - Longest Common Prefix 20 - Valid Parentheses 58 - Length of Last Word 99 - Recover Binary Search Tree 171 - Excel Sheet Column Number 202 - Happy Number 231 - Power of Two 326 - Power of Three 342 - Power of Four 392 - Is Subsequence 414 - Third Maximum Number 1103 - Distribute Candies to People 1249 - Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses 1281 - Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer 1502 - Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence 1822 - Sign of the Product of an Array

Execution time of all solutions exceeds 50% to 99% of java solutions in leetcode.

My leetcode profile (https://leetcode.com/Pikeras/)