haoheliu / AudioLDM

AudioLDM: Generate speech, sound effects, music and beyond, with text.
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Cant run app.py #8

Open J3rr1ck opened 1 year ago

J3rr1ck commented 1 year ago

hey all trying to run the app.py with the readme directions and am getting back out the following error on ubuntu 23.04 `` DiffusionWrapper has 185.04 M params. /home/jerrick/anaconda3/envs/audioldm/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torchlibrosa/stft.py:193: FutureWarning: Pass size=1024 as keyword args. From version 0.10 passing these as positional arguments will result in an error fft_window = librosa.util.pad_center(fft_window, n_fft) /home/jerrick/anaconda3/envs/audioldm/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/functional.py:504: UserWarning: torch.meshgrid: in an upcoming release, it will be required to pass the indexing argument. (Triggered internally at ../aten/src/ATen/native/TensorShape.cpp:3190.) return _VF.meshgrid(tensors, **kwargs) # type: ignore[attr-defined] Some weights of the model checkpoint at roberta-base were not used when initializing RobertaModel: ['lm_head.layer_norm.bias', 'lm_head.dense.weight', 'lm_head.layer_norm.weight', 'lm_head.bias', 'lm_head.dense.bias', 'lm_head.decoder.weight']

haoheliu commented 1 year ago

This warning in most cases indicates the checkpoint file is corrupted, which might be because you have once interrupted the downloading of the model. Please try to remove the corrupt file by

rm ~/.cache/audioldm/audioldm-s-full.ckpt

and try again. Thanks.

alexanderdutton commented 1 year ago

Is there another way to download this file? I've tried a few times now and in each case it takes a very long time and seems to be corrupt.

Thanks for your work! Looking forward to experimenting with it.

haoheliu commented 1 year ago

@alexanderdutton You can also download the checkpoint here: https://zenodo.org/record/7600541#.Y_5rrezP2DU

alexanderdutton commented 1 year ago

Thank you!