haorenW1025 / dotfiles

My dot files with neovim setting
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Question Neovim-Settings #1

Open incoggnito opened 4 years ago

incoggnito commented 4 years ago

I really like the structure of your settings. Therefore, I would like to try them for auto completion. I installed Neovim Nightly and copied your settings.

When opening any python file I get the following error message with the FileType autocommando: E5108: Error executing lua /usr/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp.lua:137: cmd type must be list.

I am not sure if this is due to the current state of development or if I have made a mistake. Can you give me a hint? Thanks in advance.

haorenW1025 commented 4 years ago

Hmm...I've been using the same things without any issue. Few things that comes to my mind.

  1. In my config I'm using pyls_ms as my language-server for python. Maybe you should test if using pyls works for you. Simply change the line lua require'nvim_lsp'.pyls_ms.setup{on_attach=require'on_attach'.on_attach} to lua require'nvim_lsp'.pyls.setup{on_attach=require'on_attach'.on_attach} and install pyls by pip install python-language-server. If that solve the issue, I recommend installing pyls_ms through nvim-lsp, which means typing :LspInstall pyls_ms in neovim.

  2. Maybe the version of neovim causes the issue? I recommend manually compiles the source code if it still doesn't work.

  3. If the issue is completion related, completion-nvim has a trouble shooting guide (here). See if you can get it working with minimum setting. If not, posting an issue in completion-nvim and I would definitely try to solve it!

incoggnito commented 4 years ago

It seems to be related to Net Core. I receive an error on :LspInstall pyls_ms. It's strange cause Net Core is already installed. I will try to fix this first. Thank you :)

incoggnito commented 4 years ago

Oh damn, i rly like your settings! The switch from urxvt to alacritty feels pretty good. I currently merge your settings with my own setup.

Do you recognize a slow down at the vim-command line too? The : opens at the lower right side before it get's displayed at the usual position.

Do you have the same opacity in terminal and in vim-mode?

haorenW1025 commented 4 years ago

Oh I have some mapping for :, I map ; to : and usually use ; to get to command mode because ; only requires one keystrokes. If you still want to use :, you should find the unmap the : stuff in mapping.vim.

incoggnito commented 4 years ago

Ah ok, i've found it. Thanks.

I guess you created your own statusline for a reason? I've tried to use the vim-airline and recognize a startup lag.

haorenW1025 commented 4 years ago

Mainly because I want to take some time and learn how to create my statusline. I did hear that vim-airline drag down your startup time though.

incoggnito commented 4 years ago

The rounded edges aren't displayed correctly on my system. For some reason i sometimes lost the background color. But lightline seems to work.