Closed lishuangshuang0616 closed 2 months ago
Yes, the output BED file is sorted. Could it be the chromosome name is not sorted lexicographically for tabix? What's the error message from tabix?
tabix error [E::hts_idx_push]chromosome blocks not continuous
The order of chromosome names in the genome.fa I provided is out of order. Does that have any impact? So chromap is sorted according to the chromosome names of the genome, and this caused this error?
Chromap sorts the chromosome following the order in the genome.fa file. I think the tabix assumes the chromosomes are sorted alphabetically. If that's the case, you can put the alphabetically-sorted chr ids in a file and put that file for the option "--chr-order". Hope this can resolve the issue.
Will chromap --preset atac sort the generated BED file? I encountered an error when generating a .tbi file using tabix. What could be the reason?