hape42 / dailygammon

DailyGammon-app is free and ad-free client for the long-running DailyGammon web-based application.
16 stars 6 forks source link

Inconsiderate App Store reviews need follow-up? #132

Open Smiles2go opened 2 weeks ago

Smiles2go commented 2 weeks ago

Version 2.0 (680) from 08. July 2024 14:28:22

This bug almost feels like special case of "You can't patch stupid".

A few App Store user feedback messages for DG give low ratings for mostly invalid reasons. You've added Developer Response to some of them.

This one (May 18) might deserve a short response.

He has a point that new users who don't already know DailyGammon could use a short tutorial on getting started.

I will draft something if you'd like, both as Developer Response, and also a Getting Started with DG App FAQ.


kagsteiner commented 2 weeks ago

Just logged out to see the initial screen you see as a new user. It's very simple and clear, so apart from being able to read (and maybe know the term FAQ) it should be quite obvious how to play...

Smiles2go commented 2 weeks ago

Agree, though might be able to dumb it down a bit more:

  1. Register and confirm DailyGammon login.
  2. Login through this app.
  3. Visit Game Lounge (menu button top-right)
  4. Find "Beginners Tournament" and Sign Up. Others also.
  5. Wait for tournament to start - after enough others have signed up
  6. Visit Top Page and tap tournament name to play

Could add more detail. Hardest to explain is delay after signup. How long to wait? How to tell when tournament starts?

  1. (If no DailyGammon account) Request account . Be sure to enter correct email and remember your chosen username. You'll get email with your initial password within 24 hours.

hape42 commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, understood what you mean.

there are currently about 2500 downloads. there are 135 ratings with an average of 4.5 !

There are exactly eleven 1-star ratings, most of them like this: "Not what I need"

If the app isn't what the person is looking for, why don't they just ditch the app and keep looking? Why does he give it a 1 star rating? It's not the app's fault that he can't find what he's looking for. I've tried, but it's frustrating to talk to people like that.

I can add more information to the home page of the app, but I don't have time to keep track of all the reviews in the AppStore and respond accordingly.

If someone can write me the text for more information ready to copy, I'd be happy to add it to the app login page.

Smiles2go commented 2 weeks ago

I don't know what is best.

App Store rating is good. Maybe response to the silly ones like:

"Sorry for your trouble. DG app is different from other Backgammon apps because all play happens on external DailyGammon servers over which we have no control."

Maybe a button on DG App login and About screen saying "Having trouble getting started?" That leads to a summary of how to get started. I'll finish a draft.

Note: two times I tried creating new DailyGammon login (including 3 days ago), I didn't get email response with initial password. Possibly it considered address as disposable?

Emailing them helped.

Of course none of that is controlled by DG App.

hape42 commented 2 weeks ago

maybe a button "what is DailyGammon about" and then a text pops up explaining what DailyGammon actually is and how it works

And maybe also the distinction between what the website does and what the app does or can't do 🤔

Smiles2go commented 2 weeks ago

I'll craft a draft to look at, though could be a day or few.

kagsteiner commented 2 weeks ago

Note: two times I tried creating new DailyGammon login (including 3 days ago), I didn't get email response with initial password. Possibly it considered address as disposable?

Emailing them helped.

Of course none of that is controlled by DG App.

Interesting, I had the same experience, was very frustrating to join - tried two email addresses, one of gmail.com, one of mailbox.org, both without success; only after emailing them I got my account. Maybe even mention that?

hape42 commented 2 weeks ago

I'll craft a draft to look at, though could be a day or few.

I will already programme the button and the popup window. Then I only need to copy the text and can send a new version.

Smiles2go commented 2 weeks ago

Modal popup as scrollable text window should be good. Can avoid temptation to have clickable links.

hape42 commented 2 weeks ago

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 Pro - 2024-07-12 at 10 50 56

Smiles2go commented 1 week ago

Below is a suggested getting-started text. This is difficult to write, not knowing how much to say or where new users may have trouble.

Improvements/ suggestions welcome.

Welcome to DailyGammon app for iPhone and iPad -- a way to play backgammon games and tournaments with real people from around the world. It is free and ad-free.

Play is at your own pace with opponents who usually won’t be online at the same time as you. You can have dozens of games going all at once. It is like a modernized Postcard or Correspondence chess where moves were sent through the mail. But better.

A cool DailyGammon feature allows you to make several moves at once, by assuming opponent will make the most-likely response. If opponent move is later different, you'll automatically rewind to opponent's actual move.

This DailyGammon app is a client for the DailyGammon.com web service, started over 20 years ago. You can play directly from a web browser like Safari, but from iPhone or iPad, the web-play experience is more challenging.

This app helps by greatly improving display, moves, and chat. And it can notify when you have games ready to play.

Getting started is a bit complicated. Here’s the process:

  1. Register and wait for email with your initial password.
  2. Login through this app.
  3. Visit Game Lounge (menu button top-right).
  4. Find "Beginners Tournament" and Sign Up.
  5. Wait for tournament to start, after enough others have signed up (a few hours to a day or two).
  6. Visit Top Page to see games where you can play, and tap opponent name to play.

The hardest part to start is getting your DailyGammon account setup.

Be sure to enter a correct email and remember your chosen username. "Disposable" email addresses won't work.

You should get email with your initial password within 24 hours. If you don’t receive your password, ask for help by email to dghelp@gmail.com and include your requested username.

You can change your password, though only through the browser interface.

It is OK to mix browser and app play.

We hope that’s enough to get you started. There are more new-user hints at http://www.dailygammon.com/help/hints.html

Note that this app is NOT built by the creators of the DailyGammon service.

kagsteiner commented 1 week ago

Very well written! The only feedback I have is that word „messy“. Is it really messy? Maybe complicated? But I’m German, not that good at this. and should we mention that (according to my knowledge) this is the only place in the internet to play correspondence backgammon (which for me was the „unique selling point“ that brought me to the site and let me endure the appalling web UI.

your thoughts?

Smiles2go commented 1 week ago

"Complicated" instead of "messy" is fine.


I tried to convey idea of correspondence / Postcard chess without saying "asynchronous" -- was something my dad did but he was born in 30s. That you can have dozens of games and opponent need not be online. Still, some may relate.


Is DG really unique this way? So many game engines out there.

I added notes about password change and multi-move (without saying "predictive model" or AI).

hape42 commented 1 week ago

update is ready in testFlight for download

Smiles2go commented 1 week ago

Version 2.0 (683) from 13. July 2024 08:37:54

"Tell me more" button works, shows scrollable text.

Maybe add that button also to About screen so can refer back after account is setup?

It is most important with login screen where you put it.

kagsteiner commented 1 week ago

Hi also expected it on the about screen. Works nicely on the login screen on my phone. The about screen is already quite crowded so it’s probably best to leave it as is.

Smiles2go commented 1 week ago

Version 2.0 (683) from 13. July 2024 08:37:54

True About screen is crowded, but is mostly text looking for GitHub volunteers. Could reduce a sentence or two and add button on top.

kagsteiner commented 1 week ago

Good point. BTW @hape42 did we get any additional testers? Maybe we need to find another channel to give feedback, maybe github is too geeky for most? Not sure, maybe we (I volunteer if you wish) should write something in the chat, and just use Testflight for the testers? But that would be a messy mail flood that then needs to turned into github issues. Not nice.

Smiles2go commented 1 week ago

Getting started text on Login and About pages good now. With public release of 2.0...

Final suggestion here would be Peter response to this guy: image

Suggest something like:

You're correct DailyGammon is different. But once you get started, can be fun to play individuals or tournaments with opponents all over the world. You can play dozens of turn-based matches at a time, at your own pace.

For help getting started please see Login or About screen:

"You don't know DailyGammon Yet?"

Tap: Tell Me More

Smiles2go commented 5 hours ago

With public release of version 2.

Final suggestion here would be developer (Peter) response to the May 18th complaint/review.

Suggest something like:

You're correct that DailyGammon is different - you must setup a free DailyGammon account to play. But once you get started, it's fun to play individual games or tournaments with opponents all over the world. You can play dozens of turn-based matches at a time, at your own pace.

For help getting started please see Login or About screen:

"You don't know DailyGammon Yet?"

Tap: Tell Me More