hapijs / joi-date

Joi extensions for dates
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Date compression #18

Closed NitinHsharma closed 5 years ago

NitinHsharma commented 5 years ago

I have an input object like { fromDate: 'DD-MM-YYYY', toDate: 'DD-MM-YYYY'} I have to check below three validation 1) Proper format (DD-MM-YYYY) 2) fromDate should be greater than today 3) toDate should be greater than fromDate and difference between fromDate and toDate should not be greater than 14 days.

my JOI schema is

const BaseJoi = require('@hapi/joi'); const Extension = require('@hapi/joi-date'); const Joi = BaseJoi.extend(Extension);

const transactionModel = Joi.object().keys({ fromDate: Joi.date().format('DD/MM/YYYY').greater(new Date()).required(), toDate: Joi.date().format('DD/MM/YYYY').greater(Joi.ref('fromDate')).less(Joi.ref('fromDate')).required(), });

How to add 14 days to fromDate for checking less condition in the above schema?

Nargonath commented 5 years ago

Be aware that .greater(new Date()) would only have one value and that is the time you started your server at. .greater(new Date()) is not evaluated at every request. You'd better use .greater('now') instead for that purpose. See: https://github.com/hapijs/joi/blob/v15.0.3/API.md#dategreaterdate

NitinHsharma commented 5 years ago

Thanks @Nargonath Can you also help me to understand how to add buffer into a date, Like I want to date should be greater than from date and difference between them should not be more than 14days

Nargonath commented 5 years ago

Alright we discussed your issue on the Slack channel, kudos to @AdriVanHoudt for his vanilla joi suggestion. Here my solution to your problem based on his suggestion:

  fourteenDaysInterval: Joi.date()
      context =>
          .add(14, "days")
      "14 days after fromDate"
  fromDate: Joi.date()
  toDate: Joi.date()

The main thing to grasp here is that we use a new property fourteenDaysInterval to store a date whose value is fromDate + 14 days. We use .forbidden() so that value cannot be send to the server. I've used moment for easier Date manipulation. We just need then to reference that property in the .less() method.

NitinHsharma commented 5 years ago

Champ :man_dancing:

Thank you so much the help

Nargonath commented 5 years ago

You're welcome. 😉

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