hapijs / joi

The most powerful data validation library for JS
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Need all type control messages #3021

Open hadeyici opened 7 months ago

hadeyici commented 7 months ago

Module version


What documentation problem did you notice?

missing all type errors list. Please add this list on docs.

  'alternatives.all': '{{#label}} does not match all of the required types',
  'alternatives.any': '{{#label}} does not match any of the allowed types',
  'alternatives.match': '{{#label}} does not match any of the allowed types',
  'alternatives.one': '{{#label}} matches more than one allowed type',
  'alternatives.types': '{{#label}} must be one of {{#types}}',

  'any.custom': '{{#label}} failed custom validation because {{#error.message}}',
  'any.default': '{{#label}} threw an error when running default method',
  'any.failover': '{{#label}} threw an error when running failover method',
  'any.invalid': '{{#label}} contains an invalid value',
  'any.only': '{{#label}} must be {if(#valids.length == 1, "", "one of ")}{{#valids}}',
  'any.ref': '{{#label}} {{#arg}} references {{:#ref}} which {{#reason}}',
  'any.required': '{{#label}} is required',
  'any.unknown': '{{#label}} is not allowed',

  'array.base': '{{#label}} must be an array',
  'array.excludes': '{{#label}} contains an excluded value',
    '{{#label}} does not contain at least one required match for type {:#patternLabel}',
  'array.hasUnknown': '{{#label}} does not contain at least one required match',
  'array.includes': '{{#label}} does not match any of the allowed types',
    '{{#label}} does not contain {{#knownMisses}} and {{#unknownMisses}} other required value(s)',
  'array.includesRequiredKnowns': '{{#label}} does not contain {{#knownMisses}}',
    '{{#label}} does not contain {{#unknownMisses}} required value(s)',
  'array.length': '{{#label}} must contain {{#limit}} items',
  'array.max': '{{#label}} must contain less than or equal to {{#limit}} items',
  'array.min': '{{#label}} must contain at least {{#limit}} items',
  'array.orderedLength': '{{#label}} must contain at most {{#limit}} items',
  'array.sort': '{{#label}} must be sorted in {#order} order by {{#by}}',
  'array.sort.mismatching': '{{#label}} cannot be sorted due to mismatching types',
  'array.sort.unsupported': '{{#label}} cannot be sorted due to unsupported type {#type}',
  'array.sparse': '{{#label}} must not be a sparse array item',
  'array.unique': '{{#label}} contains a duplicate value',

  'binary.base': '{{#label}} must be a buffer or a string',
  'binary.length': '{{#label}} must be {{#limit}} bytes',
  'binary.max': '{{#label}} must be less than or equal to {{#limit}} bytes',
  'binary.min': '{{#label}} must be at least {{#limit}} bytes',

  'boolean.base': '{{#label}} must be a boolean',

  'date.base': '{{#label}} must be a valid date',
  'date.format': '{{#label}} must be in {msg("date.format." + #format) || #format} format',
  'date.greater': '{{#label}} must be greater than {{:#limit}}',
  'date.less': '{{#label}} must be less than {{:#limit}}',
  'date.max': '{{#label}} must be less than or equal to {{:#limit}}',
  'date.min': '{{#label}} must be greater than or equal to {{:#limit}}',
  'date.format.iso': 'ISO 8601 date',
  'date.format.javascript': 'timestamp or number of milliseconds',
  'date.format.unix': 'timestamp or number of seconds',

  'function.arity': '{{#label}} must have an arity of {{#n}}',
  'function.class': '{{#label}} must be a class',
  'function.maxArity': '{{#label}} must have an arity lesser or equal to {{#n}}',
  'function.minArity': '{{#label}} must have an arity greater or equal to {{#n}}',

    '{{#label}} contains {{#presentWithLabels}} without its required peers {{#missingWithLabels}}',
    '{{#label}} is invalid because {if(#subject.key, `"` + #subject.key + `" failed to ` + (#message || "pass the assertion test"), #message || "the assertion failed")}',
  'object.base': '{{#label}} must be of type {{#type}}',
  'object.instance': '{{#label}} must be an instance of {{:#type}}',
  'object.length': '{{#label}} must have {{#limit}} key{if(#limit == 1, "", "s")}',
    '{{#label}} must have less than or equal to {{#limit}} key{if(#limit == 1, "", "s")}',
  'object.min': '{{#label}} must have at least {{#limit}} key{if(#limit == 1, "", "s")}',
  'object.missing': '{{#label}} must contain at least one of {{#peersWithLabels}}',
  'object.nand': '{{:#mainWithLabel}} must not exist simultaneously with {{#peersWithLabels}}',
    '{{#label}} contains a conflict between optional exclusive peers {{#peersWithLabels}}',
  'object.pattern.match': '{{#label}} keys failed to match pattern requirements',
  'object.refType': '{{#label}} must be a Joi reference',
  'object.regex': '{{#label}} must be a RegExp object',
    '{{#label}} cannot rename {{:#from}} because multiple renames are disabled and another key was already renamed to {{:#to}}',
    '{{#label}} cannot rename {{:#from}} because override is disabled and target {{:#to}} exists',
  'object.schema': '{{#label}} must be a Joi schema of {{#type}} type',
  'object.unknown': '{{#label}} is not allowed',
  'object.with': '{{:#mainWithLabel}} missing required peer {{:#peerWithLabel}}',
  'object.without': '{{:#mainWithLabel}} conflict with forbidden peer {{:#peerWithLabel}}',
  'object.xor': '{{#label}} contains a conflict between exclusive peers {{#peersWithLabels}}',

  'number.base': '{{#label}} must be a number',
  'number.greater': '{{#label}} must be greater than {{#limit}}',
  'number.infinity': '{{#label}} cannot be infinity',
  'number.integer': '{{#label}} must be an integer',
  'number.less': '{{#label}} must be less than {{#limit}}',
  'number.max': '{{#label}} must be less than or equal to {{#limit}}',
  'number.min': '{{#label}} must be greater than or equal to {{#limit}}',
  'number.multiple': '{{#label}} must be a multiple of {{#multiple}}',
  'number.negative': '{{#label}} must be a negative number',
  'number.port': '{{#label}} must be a valid port',
  'number.positive': '{{#label}} must be a positive number',
  'number.precision': '{{#label}} must have no more than {{#limit}} decimal places',
  'number.unsafe': '{{#label}} must be a safe number',

  'string.alphanum': '{{#label}} must only contain alpha-numeric characters',
  'string.base': '{{#label}} must be a string',
  'string.base64': '{{#label}} must be a valid base64 string',
  'string.creditCard': '{{#label}} must be a credit card',
  'string.dataUri': '{{#label}} must be a valid dataUri string',
  'string.domain': '{{#label}} must contain a valid domain name',
  'string.email': '{{#label}} must be a valid email',
  'string.empty': '{{#label}} is not allowed to be empty',
  'string.guid': '{{#label}} must be a valid GUID',
  'string.hex': '{{#label}} must only contain hexadecimal characters',
  'string.hexAlign': '{{#label}} hex decoded representation must be byte aligned',
  'string.hostname': '{{#label}} must be a valid hostname',
  'string.ip': '{{#label}} must be a valid ip address with a {{#cidr}} CIDR',
    '{{#label}} must be a valid ip address of one of the following versions {{#version}} with a {{#cidr}} CIDR',
  'string.isoDate': '{{#label}} must be in iso format',
  'string.isoDuration': '{{#label}} must be a valid ISO 8601 duration',
  'string.length': '{{#label}} length must be {{#limit}} characters long',
  'string.lowercase': '{{#label}} must only contain lowercase characters',
  'string.max': '{{#label}} length must be less than or equal to {{#limit}} characters long',
  'string.min': '{{#label}} length must be at least {{#limit}} characters long',
  'string.normalize': '{{#label}} must be unicode normalized in the {{#form}} form',
  'string.token': '{{#label}} must only contain alpha-numeric and underscore characters',
    '{{#label}} with value {:[.]} fails to match the required pattern: {{#regex}}',
  'string.pattern.name': '{{#label}} with value {{#value}} fails to match the {{#name}} pattern',
    '{{#label}} with value {:[.]} matches the inverted pattern: {{#regex}}',
    '{{#label}} with value {:[.]} matches the inverted {{#name}} pattern',
  'string.trim': '{{#label}} must not have leading or trailing whitespace',
  'string.uri': '{{#label}} must be a valid uri',
    '{{#label}} must be a valid uri with a scheme matching the {{#scheme}} pattern',
  'string.uriRelativeOnly': '{{#label}} must be a valid relative uri',
  'string.uppercase': '{{#label}} must only contain uppercase characters',

  'symbol.base': '{{#label}} must be a symbol',
  'symbol.map': '{{#label}} must be one of {{#map}}',
Marsup commented 7 months ago

You mean https://joi.dev/api/?v=17.12.2#list-of-errors ?

hadeyici commented 7 months ago

yes, but when I add language options for error messages in my project, I need to move the error keys to a language file. There is no list in the document where I can easily copy and move all the errors.

Marsup commented 7 months ago

So you want the template of the errors inside each of the errors in this section?