hapipal / confidence

Dynamic, declarative configurations
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Replace ALCE file format usage in CLI #103

Closed devinivy closed 3 years ago

devinivy commented 3 years ago

The CLI allows users to reference ALCE-formatted files: essentially a more flexible form of JSON that allows comments. There are a few downsides to using this format: 1. it is not a widely-known or -used format 2. as such the alce library hasn't been touched in 5 years (e.g. to run tests on newer versions of node) and 3. it requires some pretty heavy dependencies such as esprima.

I see three paths forward:

My recommendation would be the last option, since it's both flexible and simple. It would also be compatible with the boilerplate's server/manifest.js export, which is a confidence store. To my knowledge the confidence CLI isn't currently used especially often, so I think going with something simple might be a good choice!