haplokuon / netDxf

.net dxf Reader-Writer
MIT License
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Important notice #478

Open haplokuon opened 1 year ago

haplokuon commented 1 year ago

The days of this project are numbered, Github is imposing 2FA this double security bollocks, and I will NOT apply for that. I DON'T use mobile applications they are the real breach of privacy and security. I amazed how fast people has forgotten Benjamin Franklin when he said "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." There has never been so much surveillance than now, years ago we thought in would come from the government, how mistaken we were, Big Brother is a private corporation.

So long and thanks for all the fish.

DavidWishengrad commented 1 year ago

Life is Most Important in Life is The Most Important Truth in Life

The purpose of liberty is lost on those that don't agree that Life is Most Important.

I completely understand and endorse your choice of integrity.

I certainly hope you just move it somewhere else instead of just closing it down.

Nice quote. Unfortunately, they don't remember it or wish to. That can only go one direction and it is not good. Like duh.

DavidWishengrad commented 1 year ago

Daniel, having the opportunity to learn from you and work with your code has been a wonderful experience

This specifically includes stepping away from proprietary ideology and the innovation stifling atmosphere that big brother corps. present.

Please keep going and don't give in or give up on yourself or the rest of us. If we all give up then the very actions we hate and despise will continue unabated. Perhaps Bitbucket?

You have already done far more than just this dxf library. You have handled yourself very well and set an excellent example regarding patience and education from someone who codes well. Note here that many who know how to code well behave terrible. Those good and helpful examples you have repeatedly made have done far more good than you probably realize.

I have talked with many who have given much and lost much who have knowledge and wisdom. They generally tell me that my understanding of the current big picture is correct. Oh boy, they are not just concerned. They usually remain silent on what they see only because they don't want to terrify the general public and have great fears of what will come if things continue as is.

So, whatever you choose to do, please don't loose yourself by giving up. Don't give them your integrity. It's always what they want take from us.

Thank you for everything you have already done for the community.

My understanding is that MS fired their entire ethics department. I really don't know all of the details first hand, but my guess is that it had much to do with my main work.

Many are trying to wiggle out of anything that limits their ability to control others. They take on a 'we have ethics' point of view when some in the know call them out for needing ethics. Now that it has been logically proven to them, (yeah bro, I have been very busy regarding this stuff), that ethics and morals are only valid if they are based on "Life is Most Important" being a truthful fact, they find it now easier to toss all eithics out the window.

Being as the no one other than myself is affirming that they will hold MS to legitimate eithics and morals they are now choosing to throw all ethics out the window. Their logic is that if general public is wiggling out on holding them to this truth that they don't need to have concern about it because they won't get challenged by the very people tossing the very foundation for legitimate eithics and morals aside themselves.

The people at the top of MS and many of the other big brother corps. know many, many things about what is going in the world that many do not have awareness of. They don't really care about your privacy, and thus you, as much as they are acting on their own internal fears that global widespread devastation far beyond what any person has ever seen is going to happen and has already started to happen.

They are living their lives terrified that it's all over and so others who make these decisions about our privacy and security is left to people who do not know what is really going on the true status of dangers unfolding right before our eyes or to people that do and seek to destroy us all because they believe a twisted version that wiping out all life here is really for the greater good or are just completely flat out sick in the head.

We have everything that we need to transform everything for the better. That transformation will not happen until all people claiming to represent life's truthful interest understand, agree with, and endorse that life is always truthfully most important.

A person claiming to represent life's truthful interests who does not agree that life is always truthfully most important is always a person who is living in contradiction; a lie. They are using life to not agree life is most important.

This is the problem that MS faces. They don't have any sort of rebuttal when the logic is that clear cut and simple.

Needless and preventable suffering and death can only occur after the truth that life is most important is dismissed and stifled.

All of it, that is currently occuring, and that will ever occur going forward, is chosen to occur by every person who has been shared this truth and who did not responsibly publicly affirm that it is correct and when then claimed to represent life's truthful interests anyway. Thoae are people who have chosen needless and preventable suffering and death for us all. They are still most important. They should be loved and cared for for the rest of their lives by us all and never trusted with life of any kind ever again,. including their own or even a bug. This is because that they cannot be shared a higher truth, only equal or less than, the one presented that life is most important. If they change their minds later it then becomes a matter that they can only learn through consequences going forward and consequences alone are not ever good enough to properly represent life of any kind in any capacity. There is no possible forgiveness for the wicked and soulless evil action of claiming to represent life's truthful interests while simultaneously dismissing and stifling the truth of the importance of life itself.

Not even a true and living God (the only possible God) is above the truth that life is most important and none of us can undo that they were told the logical reason for ethics, and morals, and liberty, and privacy, and love, and kindness, and compassion, and all the rest. It's as serious as it gets.

A person or corporation that chooses to not care that the very truth that is the cure and prevention of all needless and preventable suffering and death has been placed freely in their hand is a person or corporation that has chosen to not honestly care about life.

For those that want to identify who isn't choosing to honestly care about life and and use that information to protect themselves and their peers, they will know for a fact who that is if they present them truth of the importance of life itself as the cure and prevention of all needless and preventable suffering and death. A person or corporation must judge that information. If they judge wrong and claim to represent life's truthful interests anyway, they really can and do loose any possibility of ever having genuine honest integrity going forward forever.

We do have the cure. It's real and it most certainly does exist. Many have gambled with plans that a truth that important would never be freely shared with them and chose to not consider the real world consequences of neglecting the responsibilities of having such important information. We can save and protect life and we can lose and harm life. We remain truthfully most important throughout.

It's about the truth of the importance of life itself that people are dissing when they abuse our privacy. Did you know smart tv's not only send everything you watch to pretty much all of the big tech companies, but also that if you use it as a monitor, your computer data is sent to them too? They don't even pretend that is not the case. They refer to it as a feature. A feature they don't warn you about, with your ISP blocking the admin password to your rented router and cable modem so you cannot even see the traffic, let alone block it. People who disconnect the tv from the internet will find it flashing a light annoying them until they give into the whining demand to have internet access or factory reset the TV and never turn on internet connectivity from that point on. Blocking the flashing light will stop your remote from working. It's just big brother working with tv's. They also use dynamic ip creation. If you set up a router and identity the ips amd block them, in short time they will be replaced with new ones. It's a list of about 30 ips. Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc. Big brother is watching and recording and anything encrypted today may very well be played back in the near future and decrypted. Unknown abilities to harvest additional details and information used to control others that is discovered will certainly be exploited by people who do not understand and choose to honestly agree that life is most important. AI is currently being used to identify all sorts of information, such as what was typed based on the sounds of the keyboard. Once these areas are identified, they are then visited by a human who tweaks it further like tweaking sample code to fit your needs. It goes on and on and on. Have faith in the truth of the importance of life. If they can take that from you they most certainly will. Make no mistake about it. A person or corporation that has already themselves lost any possibility of ever having genuine honest heart, soul and integrity going forward forever is most certainly going to try to trick you or break you into making the same mistake. That is the real danger and knowing who presents it allows us the opportunity to protect ourselves and those who we choose to love.

DavidWishengrad commented 1 year ago

These big corps do know that they are getting information from people's pc's if they use their tv as a monitor.

How many people did not know that was the case and had critically important and sensitive information to protect life stolen and exploited. What is the well of exposed data that threatens us all as a result, and why didn't they use their resources to make it perfectly clear to people working on sensitive information that that was, and is, actually going on?

And that is just one thing. The list of the lessons in life that are more painful than getting tortured to death a few dozen times is more than a human can count in their lifetime, let alone remember each lesson. The only Way to avoid having to experience the needless and preventable pain is to do things for the right honest reason. There is just no getting around it.

haplokuon commented 1 year ago

I still remember 20+ years ago buying an airplane ticket with a credit card and a mobile phone, and never felt the need of "more security"; but now, even if I could, I would not do it like that. I feel more insecure now than 20 years ago. Now, I have to keep blocking applications the access to internet, disabling OS services manually or with some kind of application to deactivate, at the best of my abilities, monitoring and spying software, always installing NoScript, an add blocker, and Privacy Badger extensions in my internet browser,...

I have become more cynic and skeptic with the years, every time I hear that a company wants to do something in the name of security I get goosebumps, and all I can think of is what is their hidden agenda.

Apple, in the name of security, has been making the job of third-party repair shops more and more difficult, via hardware locks or limiting access to replacement parts, saying that they will steal your documents, that is not secure to user their services. Apple does not want you to repair them, they want you to buy a new one.

The implementation of manifest v3 by Google in the name of security, while their true purpose was to make the work of blockers more difficult. Google is not securing your privacy, their are securing their true business to serve adds, and add blockers are the enemy.

Who knows what Meta and Amazon have been doing, I care so little about them that I don't want to spent my time trying to figure it out.

And now, Microsoft comes with this crap. What is your problem? Are you losing the surveillance war against the other tech companies? Nobody remembers Zune, Microsoft Explorer is long dead, Edge browser is a nuisance, your attempt into the mobile business was a disaster, how are your Surface machines doing?. What you have left, Windows OS? Is that why you have filled Windows 10/11 with so much spying and monitoring software? I could not believe how much shite came out of it when I first installed it. I am couple of windows programs away from using Linux 100% of the time.

I already use a very long password with all kind of characters, numbers, symbols,... like I do with most of them. I keep them away of prying eyes, I do not need second authentications. Why you didn't add the possibility to do it through a second email account if it is so important. I have plenty of them with different providers that I use for different purposes. No way I am going to install additional software anywhere for this.

Note: I do not have a TV, so that is why they call them smart TVs, smart in spying on you.

xaotix commented 1 year ago

Very sad to hear about it. I understand your point and agree and respect it.

I'd like to thank you for the wonderful work you've done developing this tool. It helps me a lot in creating my solutions. I have been using your project for many years, since 2014.

Cheers from Brazil.