hapostgres / pg_auto_failover

Postgres extension and service for automated failover and high-availability
1.07k stars 113 forks source link

unable to change pgautofailover.* configuration settings #890

Closed reslavath closed 2 years ago

reslavath commented 2 years ago

Hi Team, I'm evaluating pg_auto_failover since a while, so far soo good. Thanks very much for this wonderful solution.

Currently I'm unable to change the pgautofailover.* configuration settings

I tried editing the postgresql.conf and using "ALTER DATABASE"

pg_auto_failover=# ALTER DATABASE pg_auto_failover SET pgautofailover.promote_wal_log_threshold=0; ERROR: parameter "pgautofailover.promote_wal_log_threshold" cannot be changed now

Please let me know, if I'm missing something


postgres@host280[DEV][~] $ pg_autoctl --version
pg_autoctl version 1.6.4
pg_autoctl extension version 1.6
compiled with PostgreSQL 14.2 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-4), 64-bit
compatible with Postgres 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14
postgres@host280[DEV][~] $
postgres@host280[DEV][~] $ uname -a
Linux host280 4.18.0-348.20.1.el8_5.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Mar 8 12:56:54 EST 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
postgres@host280[DEV][~] $

postgres@host280[DEV][~] $ pg_autoctl show state
Name |  Node |  Host:Port |  TLI: LSN |   Connection |      Reported State |      Assigned State

postgres@host280[DEV][~] $
postgres@host280[DEV][~] $
postgres@host280[DEV][~] $ pg_autoctl show uri
        Type |    Name | Connection String
     monitor | monitor | postgres://autoctl_node@host280.uk.dev.net:6524/pg_auto_failover?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=/var/lib/pgsql/.certs/root.crt
   formation | default |

postgres@host280[DEV][~] $
postgres@host280[DEV][~] $ cat /postgres/data/14/postgresql.conf  | grep pgautofailover
postgres@host280[DEV][~] $
postgres@host280[DEV][~] $ sudo systemctl stop pgautofailover
postgres@host280[DEV][~] $ sudo systemctl start pgautofailover
postgres@host280[DEV][~] $
postgres@host280[DEV][~] $
postgres@host280[DEV][~] $ sudo systemctl status pgautofailover
● pgautofailover.service - pg_auto_failover
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/pgautofailover.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-05-05 10:24:05 GMT; 5s ago
 Main PID: 531587 (pg_autoctl)
    Tasks: 16 (limit: 23704)
   Memory: 19.6M
   CGroup: /system.slice/pgautofailover.service
           ├─531587 /usr/pgsql-14/bin/pg_autoctl run
           ├─531590 pg_autoctl: start/stop postgres
           ├─531591 pg_autoctl: monitor listener
           ├─531600 /usr/pgsql-14/bin/postgres -D /postgres/data/14 -p 6524 -h *
           ├─531601 postgres: host280_pgopnsrc_inst01: logger
           ├─531606 postgres: host280_pgopnsrc_inst01: checkpointer
           ├─531607 postgres: host280_pgopnsrc_inst01: background writer
           ├─531608 postgres: host280_pgopnsrc_inst01: walwriter
           ├─531609 postgres: host280_pgopnsrc_inst01: autovacuum launcher
           ├─531610 postgres: host280_pgopnsrc_inst01: archiver last was 000000010000000000000007
           ├─531611 postgres: host280_pgopnsrc_inst01: stats collector
           ├─531612 postgres: host280_pgopnsrc_inst01: pg_auto_failover monitor
           ├─531613 postgres: host280_pgopnsrc_inst01: logical replication launcher
           ├─531615 postgres: host280_pgopnsrc_inst01: pg_auto_failover monitor healthcheck worker postgres
           ├─531616 postgres: host280_pgopnsrc_inst01: pg_auto_failover monitor healthcheck worker pg_auto_failover
           └─531618 postgres: host280_pgopnsrc_inst01: autoctl_node pg_auto_failover [local] idle

May 05 10:24:05 host280 pg_autoctl[531587]: 10:24:05 531587 INFO  Started pg_autoctl postgres service with pid 531590
May 05 10:24:05 host280 pg_autoctl[531587]: 10:24:05 531590 INFO   /usr/pgsql-14/bin/pg_autoctl do service postgres --pgdata /postgres/data/14 -v
May 05 10:24:05 host280 pg_autoctl[531587]: 10:24:05 531587 INFO  Started pg_autoctl listener service with pid 531591
May 05 10:24:05 host280 pg_autoctl[531587]: 10:24:05 531591 INFO   /usr/pgsql-14/bin/pg_autoctl do service listener --pgdata /postgres/data/14 -v
May 05 10:24:05 host280 pg_autoctl[531587]: 10:24:05 531591 INFO  Managing the monitor at postgres://autoctl_node@host280.uk.dev.net:6524/pg_auto_failover?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=/var/lib>
May 05 10:24:05 host280 pg_autoctl[531587]: 10:24:05 531591 INFO  Reloaded the new configuration from "/var/lib/pgsql/.config/pg_autoctl/postgres/data/14/pg_autoctl.cfg"
May 05 10:24:05 host280 pg_autoctl[531587]: 10:24:05 531600 INFO   /usr/pgsql-14/bin/postgres -D /postgres/data/14 -p 6524 -h *
May 05 10:24:05 host280 pg_autoctl[531587]: 10:24:05 531590 INFO  Postgres is now serving PGDATA "/postgres/data/14" on port 6524 with pid 531600
May 05 10:24:05 host280 pg_autoctl[531587]: 10:24:05 531591 INFO  The version of extension "pgautofailover" is "1.6" on the monitor
May 05 10:24:05 host280 pg_autoctl[531587]: 10:24:05 531591 INFO  Contacting the monitor to LISTEN to its events.

postgres@host280[DEV][~] $

default settings still remain the same post pgautofailover service restart.

postgres=# select name, setting, unit, short_desc from pg_settings where name ~ 'pgautofailover.';
                       name                       | setting  | unit |                                              short_desc
 pgautofailover.enable_sync_wal_log_threshold     | 16777216 |      | Don't enable synchronous replication until secondary xlog is within this many bytes of the primary's
 pgautofailover.health_check_max_retries          | 2        |      | Maximum number of re-tries before marking a node as failed.
 pgautofailover.health_check_period               | 10000    | ms   | Duration between each check (in milliseconds).
 pgautofailover.health_check_retry_delay          | 5000     | ms   | Delay between consecutive retries.
 pgautofailover.health_check_timeout              | 5000     | ms   | Connect timeout (in milliseconds).
 pgautofailover.node_considered_unhealthy_timeout | 600000   | ms   | Mark node unhealthy if last ping was over this long ago
 pgautofailover.primary_demote_timeout            | 30000    | ms   | Give the primary this long to drain before promoting the secondary
 pgautofailover.promote_wal_log_threshold         | 16777216 |      | Don't promote secondary unless xlog is with this many bytes of the master
 pgautofailover.startup_grace_period              | 60000    | ms   | Wait for at least this much time after startup before initiating a failover.
(9 rows)

tried to change the setting using ALTER DATABASE

postgres=# \c pg_auto_failover
You are now connected to database "pg_auto_failover" as user "postgres".
pg_auto_failover=# ALTER DATABASE pg_auto_failover SET pgautofailover.promote_wal_log_threshold=0;
ERROR:  parameter "pgautofailover.promote_wal_log_threshold" cannot be changed now