hapostgres / pg_auto_failover

Postgres extension and service for automated failover and high-availability
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pg_autoctl create formation #910

Closed Tiago-Anastacio closed 2 years ago

Tiago-Anastacio commented 2 years ago

Hi, Dimitri

I face issue to catch correct return code from statement above (I forced an error creating a already existing formation but return code is 0 :

pgmonito@suvm-sles15-bac13:/.config/ansible_creation_flags> pg_autoctl create formation --formation appli1_sandbox --kind pgsql --dbname postgres --monitor postgres://autoctl_node@suvm-sles15-bac13.unix.sits.credit-agricole.fr:54320/pg_auto_failover?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=/pgmonito/connexion/.tls/root.crt
[1] 16480
pgmonito@suvm-sles15-bac13:/.config/ansible_creation_flags> 14:23:50 16480 ERROR Monitor ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "formation_pkey"
14:23:50 16480 ERROR Monitor DETAIL:  Key (formationid)=(appli1_sandbox) already exists.
14:23:50 16480 ERROR Monitor CONTEXT:  SQL statement "INSERT INTO pgautofailover.formation (formationid, kind, dbname, opt_secondary, number_sync_standbys) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)"
14:23:50 16480 ERROR SQL query: SELECT * FROM pgautofailover.create_formation($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)
14:23:50 16480 ERROR SQL params: 'appli1_sandbox', 'pgsql', 'postgres', 'true', '0'
14:23:50 16480 ERROR Failed to create formation "appli1_sandbox" of kind "pgsql", see previous lines for details.
echo $?
[1]+  Exit 6                  pg_autoctl create formation --formation appli1_sandbox --kind pgsql --dbname postgres --monitor postgres://autoctl_node@suvm-sles15-bac13.unix.sits.credit-agricole.fr:54320/pg_auto_failover?sslmode=verify-full

Thank you

DimCitus commented 2 years ago

It looks like the monitor URI contains a special character that needs to be escaped from the shell, namely &, and you didn't quote the URI, so that the command is run in the background.