happenslol / WarpDeplete

Mythic+ Timer Addon for World of Warcraft
MIT License
17 stars 21 forks source link

Allow profile import and export #51

Open fellipeamedeiros opened 1 year ago

fellipeamedeiros commented 1 year ago

Hello team, how are you?

First congrats for the awesome job, it's possible to add the option to export/import some string or profile to share options?

happenslol commented 1 year ago

Heya! Possible, sure :sweat_smile: It's just that someone has to do it.

I think it would be a good idea to look at how other addons handle this, since there's probably something built into the WoWAce libraries that can offer this functionality. I see that it would be cool to have this feature, but I'm not currently working on new features for this myself due to real life obligations. I'll happily review PRs, merge things and release new versions though!