happy-hours / crushlines

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Create a landing page #16

Open heron2014 opened 8 years ago

heron2014 commented 8 years ago

On landing page should be :

Wireframe for landing:


For this sprint it will be only fake button with fake authentication.

heron2014 commented 8 years ago

On the landing page we could try implementing for example some sort slideshow like has twitter in moments when you first time wanted to see what it is ; I made some screenshots to visualize it :

img-20160208-wa0001 img-20160208-wa0002

When you slide right or left there are really nice transitions like background slowly changes from blue to green ... its really smooth. When you click on 'X' it close down and get you directly to moments - in our example we could do something like that: when you click 'X' user will be redirected to home page with the list of crushlines - and only login will be required when you want to post something or chat or whatever. What do you think @minaorangina ? but hmm this view can only be shown to the first time users, second time users goes straight to the home view.

minaorangina commented 8 years ago

This is a cool idea! But yeah, this is probably only something someone would see the first time they use it, almost like a quick explanation of what the app is used for if you've never used it before

minaorangina commented 8 years ago


heron2014 commented 8 years ago

Currently we have created Slider component which is very basic - has three views with different color of background. We are using material-ui react components.

heron2014 commented 8 years ago

We have decided to go for Materilize: