happycod3r / fzf-tools

A ZSH plugin that provides functions which integrate & bind fuzzy finder capabilities through fzf to certain commands such as ls, man, find and more.
MIT License
11 stars 1 forks source link

Consider moving the plugin files to the repo root #2

Open unixorn opened 1 year ago

unixorn commented 1 year ago

If the .plugin.zsh or .zsh files are at the root of the repository, they're a lot easier to use in most plugin managers. That lets users do something simple like zgenom load happycod3r/fzf-tools or antigen bundle happycod3r/fzf-tools instead of having to also specify a subdirectory.

happycod3r commented 1 year ago

That makes sense. let me do that actually. Appreciate you noticing this.