happyfish100 / fastdfs

FastDFS is an open source high performance distributed file system (DFS). It's major functions include: file storing, file syncing and file accessing, and design for high capacity and load balance. Wechat/Weixin public account (Chinese Language): fastdfs
GNU General Public License v3.0
8.99k stars 1.98k forks source link

通过http访问时莫名转发到一个陌生的上游服务器,然后就一直服务超时 #613

Open Yefeng888999 opened 1 year ago

Yefeng888999 commented 1 year ago

*23 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while connecting to upstream, client:, server:, request: "GET /M00/00/00/cnqov2plf3oajazmaagn5jrmkyc448.jpg HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: ""是我的服务器 重定向upstream中的114.122.168.191不知道是哪里来的,不知道为何会转发,找遍所有配置文件也找不到这ip

server { listen 80; server_name;

location /M00 {
        root /home/yuqing/fastdfs/data;

} 这是我的nginx配置,按理说直接找到文件的,不知道为何总是在重定向转发,然后就超时504

happyfish100 commented 1 year ago

服务器时间要对时,时间误差不要超过1秒。 另外建议采用storage server id的方式,在 tracker.conf中将配置项 use_storage_id 设置为true,然后配置好 storage_ids.conf,重启 tracker 和 storage服务即可生效。

Yefeng888999 commented 1 year ago


fengdianxun commented 1 year ago

文件名拼错了,请看下面解释。 cnqov2plf3oajazmaagn5jrmkyc448去掉末尾2个字符变成cnqov2plf3oajazmaagn5jrmkyc4,再base64解码得到727aa8bf6a657f7a1a8dace669a827e63ae6932738的hex字符串,截取前8个字符得到72 7a a8 bf,每2位hex转十进制数得到114 122 168 191,即为114.122.168.191。因为配置了ngx-fastdfs-module所以会去负载到114.122.168.191上。