Hi,I'm a new for caffe.I download your files,in the folder of caffe_proto I saw mnist_siamese_train_test.prototxt and a CASIA_train_test.prototxt,which is best for the face vertification.
The second problem is that where is the train.txt and the val.txt?Can you send me if you please(I dowmloaded the @潘泳苹果皮 database).(My email is 1363656464@qq.com)Thanks .
Hi,I'm a new for caffe.I download your files,in the folder of caffe_proto I saw mnist_siamese_train_test.prototxt and a CASIA_train_test.prototxt,which is best for the face vertification. The second problem is that where is the train.txt and the val.txt?Can you send me if you please(I dowmloaded the @潘泳苹果皮 database).(My email is 1363656464@qq.com)Thanks .