happynear / FaceVerification

An Experimental Implementation of Face Verification, 96.8% on LFW.
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input data/diff size does not match target blob shape, input data/diff size: [ 100 100 1 2 ] vs target blob shape: [ 100 100 1 100 ] #24

Open iscas-lee opened 8 years ago

iscas-lee commented 8 years ago

大神,运行你的VerificationDemo.m 出现这个问题,请问是什么原因呢?

VerificationDemo Error using CHECK (line 4) input data/diff size does not match target blob shape, input data/diff size: [ 100 100 1 2 ] vs target blob shape: [ 100 100 1 100 ]

Error in caffe.Blob/check_data_size_matches (line 72) CHECK(is_matched, ...

Error in caffe.Blob/check_and_preprocess_data (line 46) self.check_data_size_matches(data);

Error in caffe.Blob/set_data (line 26) data = self.check_and_preprocess_data(data);

Error in caffe.Net/forward (line 122) self.blobs(self.inputs{n}).set_data(input_data{n});

Error in VerificationDemo (line 53) f = net.forward(H);

另外: f = f{1}; fprintf('distance:%f\n',f); if f<same_thresh fprintf('The two faces are from the same people.\n'); else fprintf('The two faces are from different people.\n'); end; f是一个数组,不知道最后的相似度分数是如何计算出来的? 这个判断是不是写反了哦, 小于阈值的是同一个人,反之为不同人。

happynear commented 8 years ago
  1. 这个m文件用的是 https://github.com/happynear/FaceVerification/blob/master/caffe_proto/CASIA_demo.prototxt
  2. 用了demo.prototxt,算出来的就是一个数字了;
  3. 欧氏距离越小越相似。
iscas-lee commented 8 years ago

CASIA_demo.prototxt 的 model是用的这个



happynear commented 8 years ago


iscas-lee commented 8 years ago


Invalid MEX-file 'E:\face\caffee\caffee-windows\caffe-windows\matlab\FaceVerification\MatAlignment.mexw64': 找不到指定的模块。

Error in VerificationDemo2 (line 36) face1 = MatAlignment('alignment',image1);

这一句执行成功了 MatAlignment('init_model','E:\ThirdPartyLibrary\dlib-18.14\shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat');

但是执行这句 face1 = MatAlignment('Alignment',image1); 就出现上面那个错了。



happynear commented 8 years ago

这个MatAlignment挺难编译的,编译方法跟caffe-windows里的matcaffe差不多,除了caffe 的3rdparty之外,还需要dlib库。把生成好的matAlignment.mexw64拿来才能用。

iscas-lee commented 8 years ago


iscas-lee commented 8 years ago

VerificationDemo Read Mat to OpenCV done. 1 face detected. Face alignment done. Convert to mat done. Read Mat to OpenCV done. 1 face detected. Face alignment done. Convert to mat done. distance:0.340565 The two faces are from the same people. 终于调通你的程序了。


happynear commented 8 years ago

他没有mean file的,除个256就好了。

tanzf commented 8 years ago

@iscas-lee 我也在编译这个MatAlignment.cpp,能不能把编译的流程详细的介绍一下,编译好久了,一直不成功,麻烦你了,万分感激

iscas-lee commented 8 years ago


tanzf commented 8 years ago


tanzf commented 8 years ago

@iscas-lee 你好,我想问一下你使用MatAlignment.cpp这个对齐程序输进去的图片(比如LFW库的图像)是经过人脸剪裁之后的还是直接没剪裁直接用LFW库原图输进去对齐????谢谢

iscas-lee commented 8 years ago

@tanzf 直接原图送进去的。没有裁剪。 我也不知道这样是不是合适? @happynear 这个输入的图片有什么需要特殊处理下吗?

tanzf commented 8 years ago

@iscas-lee 哦,那识别率怎么样呢?LFW库下达到多少?

iscas-lee commented 8 years ago

@tanzf 没有测试过LFW。

tanzf commented 8 years ago


nuannuan1991 commented 6 years ago

input data/diff size does not match target blob shape, input data/diff size: [ 100 100 1 2 ] vs target blob shape: [ 100 100 1 100 ] #24请问这个怎么解决的