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Add ability to override DataPlaneAPI build consumed #4

Open mayankbh opened 3 years ago

mayankbh commented 3 years ago

Today, the packer build process only consumes the DataPlaneAPI binary from a URL.

A URL is passed in via a user variable - https://github.com/haproxytech/vmware-haproxy/blob/master/packer.json#L9

This variable is then used in an Ansible get_url task https://github.com/haproxytech/vmware-haproxy/blob/master/ansible/roles/haproxy/tasks/main.yml#L15

It would be convenient to be able to use a locally built version of DataPlaneAPI for this process. One approach might be to rename the variable to dataplaneapi_location and allow the Ansible tasks to determine if it's a file/URL, and use copy/get_url appropriately (I have a topic branch with this approach that seems to work, though since I'm new to Ansible, it may not be the cleanest)

FWIW, it's already possible to override the DataPlaneAPI URL by setting up PACKER_FLAGS to set the correct var

PACKER_FLAGS="-var='dataplane_api_url=<url goes here>'"

Use case:


I've been working around the above with a patched DataPlaneAPI build that -

Working with a patched DataPlaneAPI binary, while not a long term fix, allows using health checks in a specific way without requiring modifications to the client. In this case, the client is an operator in a running K8s cluster that won't be upgraded in the short term, even though that operator is where we probably want these kinds of policy decisions coming from in the long run. Still, doing this via DPAPI today gives us a 'break glass' approach to setting up health checks correctly. (it's a fairly simple patch to DataPlaneAPI, see the topic branch linked below, which contains the two fixes I mentioned above.)

Replacing DataplaneAPI binary in live environment

dataplaneapi/ $ go version    
go version go1.14 darwin/amd64

dataplaneapi/ $ GOOS=linux make build # you'll want GOOS if you're cross compiling (on a Mac, for instance)

dataplaneapi/ $ file build/dataplaneapi 
build/dataplaneapi: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, not stripped

SSH into the HAProxy instance for the rest of the steps-

systemctl stop dataplaneapi
cp /usr/local/bin/dataplaneapi /root/dataplaneapi.bak
cp dataplaneapi /usr/local/bin # This should be the new binary you just scp'd in. 
systemctl start dataplaneapi

The new DataplaneAPI build should now be working.

  server <server name> check no-check-ssl weight 100 verify none