Closed Dazzid closed 9 years ago
AFAIK we can't! In order for extends
to work, we need its source code available at transpile time.
If you are using Processing.js and writing your code in the java-syntax style you can't extend classes correctly. Processing.js internally mishandles the this
context of the object in a way that makes it not possible.
If you write your code in javascript you can extend anything in toxiclibsjs with standard javascript object-oriented inheritance
If you do this you may also be interested in having a look at p5.js
Thanks Hapticdata! Yes I'm starting the project in p5.js indeed
Hi! I'm wondering how to extend a taxi class. My reference is something like this: How can I replicate this on processing.js? (I know is a very basic question) Thanks
class Particle extends VerletParticle2D {
float r = 40; String name = new String("name"); String myText = new String("no text"); String geo = "none";
String nCat = new String(" "); String nCas= new String(" "); String nEng= new String(" "); String tCat= new String(" "); String tCas= new String(" "); String tEng= new String(" "); String iCat= new String("Empty"); String iCas= new String("Empty"); String iEng= new String("Empty");
int id; int subId; int myGroup; Boolean on = true; float thisAlpha = 255; Boolean hide = false; Boolean dragged = false; PVector min; PVector max; Vec2D velChange; float easing = 0.25; float change; float w; float h; Boolean active = true; Boolean hub = false; color myColor = color(0, 183, 234); color hubColor = color(250, 150, 50); ArrayList myNodes;
Particle (Vec2D loc) { super(loc); change = 0.5; myNodes = new ArrayList(); }
void display() { textAlign(CENTER); if (lenguages == 1) { name = nEng; myText = tEng; } if (lenguages == 2) { name = nCat; myText = tCat; } if (lenguages == 3) { name = nCas; myText = tCas; } float ch = (hide)? 0:255.0; thisAlpha += (ch-thisAlpha)_easing; r = map(thisAlpha, 0.0, 255, 1, 37); textFont(myFont, 23); if (thisAlpha > 0.01) { pushMatrix(); translate(x, y, 0); noStroke(); //fill(200, 50); //rect(-name.length()_4-14, -h/2, w, h, 10); color paiting = ((hub)? hubColor:myColor); fill(red(paiting), green(paiting), blue(paiting), thisAlpha*0.85); ellipse(0, 0, r, r); fill(255, thisAlpha); text(name, 0, 7); //text(id, 0, -26); popMatrix(); } }
void setName(String inName) { name = inName; w = name.length()*10+5; h = 18; }
void setText(String inText) { myText = inText; }
void setGeo(String inGeo) { geo = inGeo; } void move() { velChange = new Vec2D(random(-0.15, 0.15), random(-0.15, 0.15)); this.addVelocity(velChange); stroke(255, 150, 0, thisAlpha); pushMatrix(); translate(x, y, 0); noFill(); //rect(-name.length()*4-14, -h/2, w, h, 10); popMatrix(); }
void contact(Particle b) { if (active) { // Calculate the bottom-right corners of the boxes. float myX2 = x + w; float myY2 = y + h; float otherX2 = b.x + b.w; float otherY2 = b.y + b.h; // If this box is entirely to the left of box b, then there is no collision.
if (x < b.x && myX2 < b.x) return; // If this box is entirely to the right of box b, then there is no collision. if (x > otherX2 && myX2 > otherX2) return; // If this box is entirely above box b, then there is no collision. if (y < b.y && myY2 < b.y) return; // If this box is entirely below box b, then there is no collision. if (y > otherY2 && myY2 > otherY2) return; // If we reach this point, the boxes haven't missed each other. // Therefore, there must be a collision. move(); } }
void setName(float inName) { String oneName = nf(inName, 2, 2); name = oneName; }
void setRadio(float myRadio) { r = myRadio; }
void setColor(color inColor) { myColor = inColor; } void isClicked() { on =! on; }
int getId() { return id; } }