Closed willin closed 9 years ago
Every request:
[PROTOCOL] [0352218B-595C-4B97-B998-1C1C0DDC6803] [core] S: 250 SIZE 500000
[PROTOCOL] [0352218B-595C-4B97-B998-1C1C0DDC6803] [core] C: AUTH PLAIN AG5vcmVwbHlAbWFpbC53dWxpYW5ncm91cC5jbgAwTjJZNE9USXhZeg== state=1
but in fact it should be: (test in local is ok)
[PROTOCOL] [7BD19679-D04F-4ABB-8EB8-9EF379DF9064] [core] S: 250-PIPELINING
[PROTOCOL] [7BD19679-D04F-4ABB-8EB8-9EF379DF9064] [core] S: 250-8BITMIME
[PROTOCOL] [7BD19679-D04F-4ABB-8EB8-9EF379DF9064] [core] S: 250-SIZE 500000
[PROTOCOL] [7BD19679-D04F-4ABB-8EB8-9EF379DF9064] [core] S: 250 AUTH LOGIN PLAIN CRAM-MD5
[PROTOCOL] [7BD19679-D04F-4ABB-8EB8-9EF379DF9064] [core] C: AUTH PLAIN AG5vcmVwbHkAME4yWTRPVEl4WXo= state=1
This isn't a bug - it's a feature. If you read the plugin docs it states:
IMPORANT NOTE - this plugin requires that STARTTLS be used via the tls plugin before it will advertise AUTH capabilities by the EHLO command. This is to improve security out-of-the-box. Localhost and any IP in RFC1918 ranges are automatically exempt from this rule.
See the TLS plugin for instructions and either generate some self-signed certificates or buy a cheapo PositiveSSL certificate.
This post clearly demonstrates that protecting AUTH by requiring TLS is a good idea as you've posted your username and password into this thread without realizing it:
smf@i7desktop:~$ perl -MMIME::Base64 -MData::Dumper -e "print Dumper(split('\0',decode_base64('AG5vcmVwbHkAME4yWTRPVEl4WXo=')));"
$VAR1 = '';
$VAR2 = 'noreply';
$VAR3 = '0N2Y4OTIxYz';
AUTH PLAIN and LOGIN send the username and password encoded in Base64 which offers absolutely no security at all which is why we decided the right thing to do was to require TLS before offering it.
You should change your password for the 'noreply' account ASAP.