harbassan / spicetify-apps

A collection of spicetify custom apps to improve your spotify experience.
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Library tab stuck in Analysing Your Library #2

Closed tegraion closed 1 year ago

tegraion commented 1 year ago


Other tabs works properly. Library tab doesn't show anything.

Installed the app as directed in the readme.md

Spotify for Windows Spicetify v2.17.2 Theme: Nord / Nord Extensions: popupLyrics.js, bookmark.js, listPlaylistsWithSong.js, playlistIntersection.js, spotifyGenres.js, romaja_lyrics.js, romaji_lyrics.js, fullScreenWrapper.js, adblock.js, theme.js Custom apps: marketplace, lyrics-plus, eternal-jukebox, spicetify-stats-dist

harbassan commented 1 year ago

can you show me the console by opening devtools

tegraion commented 1 year ago


Sorry about that. This is my first time using github.

harbassan commented 1 year ago

do you have any sort of special track in any of your playlists that isn't a normal song?

tegraion commented 1 year ago

What do you mean? What kind of song? My library has about 3500 liked songs and more than 100 playlists (each has 100-200 songs in them), some I made, some I follow from Spotify or other users. But can't think of any track that isn't a normal song.

harbassan commented 1 year ago

As of the moment I don't know why the issue is happening but I suspect its because of the amount of songs you have in your library. Ill try and fix this soon.

Cry4775 commented 1 year ago

I have the exact same issue and I have lots of songs and playlists in my library too, so I guess it's the amount of songs.

RetardedNConfused commented 1 year ago


harbassan commented 1 year ago

@Cry4775 How many songs do you think you have, just as an estimate?

Cry4775 commented 1 year ago

~3000 liked songs and ~100/150 playlists

harbassan commented 1 year ago

oh wow, that must be the reason then, I'll try and find a fix for this, would probably involve waiting a while for everything to be fetched but atleast it would work.

ApothisXD commented 1 year ago

I'm having the same problem as the rest My liked count being 3,495 songs 😔

harbassan commented 1 year ago

try installing the latest release that I just made and see if that fixes anything. It might not, but since I cant replicate the issue its difficult to fix.

Cry4775 commented 1 year ago

still broken unfortunately

harbassan commented 1 year ago

ok then can you send a ss of the devtools, i just updated the error logging so it should be clearer where the issue happened. send the ss of what happens after you click into the library page after a good few seconds and you can see an error relating to stats.

sian57 commented 1 year ago

not sure if it's any help but it's also stuck for me but I only have like 100 liked songs and 10 playlists which is significantly less than other people :)

harbassan commented 1 year ago

yep definitely helps, now I know that the problem isn't actually related to the length but something else that's in the playlists themselves. Can you think of anything in your playlists that isn't a normal song/track. also could you try and show the error In the console

sian57 commented 1 year ago

yea i defo have some songs in a playlist that isn't from spotify - songs downloaded from youtube than put into itunes then onto spotify somehow, cant really remember exactly how tbh. also extremely new and not sure how to show the error, will do if someone can explain sorry!

harbassan commented 1 year ago

in the cmd line type spicetify enable-devtools, then once spotify opens you should be able to right click on an empty part of the page and select inspect element. From there go into the console tab. Then go into the stats library page and you should see an error eventually come up, should have something to with stats in the error. Just send a ss of that.

sian57 commented 1 year ago

Screenshot (36) Screenshot (37) Screenshot (38) Screenshot (35) okay loads came up so i screenshotted it all just in case, hope it helps! :)

Cry4775 commented 1 year ago

These are my logs instead

Schermata del 2023-06-06 10-47-05 Schermata del 2023-06-06 10-47-20 Schermata del 2023-06-06 10-47-30 Schermata del 2023-06-06 10-47-52

harbassan commented 1 year ago

yeah from what I can see atleast 3 of your songs have something wierd going on with them, could you try and copy the url of the failed requests. Like the whole url which is quite long, and then just paste it here.

Cry4775 commented 1 year ago


Cry4775 commented 1 year ago

I apparently found the problem, it's caused by some very old local songs I had added in some playlists. If I delete them, it should work, I tried deleting one and one of the 3 errors disappeared. I'll wait to delete the others so I can test eventual fixes for you.

EDIT: for more infos take a look at this URL: https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-features?ids=0x3EdJ365doyy9T2dd4g6Y,66WcaWVGRFmpx0euxmw9yM,0E1RL6rKe18aUq70B2fgXs,16BwgbCMbiwREPTS46QNKr,4yMUywwLJwsWd1v9zow2MH,2p9q7lIzhJygg323PqeMbD,3HrvOaJJfVfe3C2TboSh7Y,73zMtxGIBJ0uwv4L830V9u,5JI4Hz1uoNbr1n6vzed64T,5rAZJ4K9K0U4BVE6mJBZbW,1CRESO4AuKm5B5Lqodk7t9,27Uz9gSMNzDRhwtgUvy5V8,3uYOtfzyQr7zXBxNeXovMl,26yGxHiLkXJkQ7FsmTGfod,0hqAWKZDhuOfFb6aK002Ph,50ciUo89kUtN2CJoyeYBPK,4XvCi9ugjgRn4Etwe0KaVI,26ZC396ABpfS0MIbOetGEV,3ctALRkR72C3EKav4HgePA,6iG5vINDwHVDN4JjBvrD0g,6Mi0gQTK8FcwOoXRGqbifq,3S3xQW0HTWlIQhFjDQVufU,6XOuZNAct6tMgjziq2L8U1,1Mvtwaej73c7TQlZTMPIAb,4axWAPt35YaON3TG9J52gq,1Mvtwaej73c7TQlZTMPIAb,25khomWgBVamSdKw7hzm3l,6BAnxKyld909yo6Pk1DO3r,1Mvtwaej73c7TQlZTMPIAb,5GtukvnwMrQ6Y9F0hCLlyw,6Ig3vDalExljCxjmpaiWpK,5USYPC5SrbWbzZgkvscVuV,2mkYHqI1XeSo6Bd3WQWUZW,7znVnQ0XYwSVYt5ahnl50R,4gIFEyUzWhsbVBb9Oa9h5L,5eARTOG4iYyxlIRSgxs5VH,1CqOoPwOBBxAOIrGebTe3u,7JulvZ6FrQwuyZlxdAiXgr,3eu4bRLCHovbj9zmlE9Svl,4WhJIrDvdLE8BzD1cY3gFC,2WWyllDdKzdgcj7SlT7pt7,5Ij5AACeUzstvpgEPUEQW1,5tZ7rr2pkCqB2MRR5YPsU3,5Du9saCXYuRkHcj3CA6Her,0Gb8ICL5WXAZjcP7VSb9G6,6uzNlE36xl1kpVFfvxpd7v,7zCxnbrTrWMBPOYlTQXAfC,0teG1tVhtrFoIJrTConkuy,3eUBCaLMh0jYVmeZAQnm46,2p9q7lIzhJygg323PqeMbD,1kZtKMeWgKEsRJBHHVup2a,1AxVhl7hQPEmUBRyFQk1Le,1mGZj8TJeTeIWuc8EQK9n5,5nJvN4zWxlEVeNEVovgIuA,61uOSqcShc3TzIlnCurRtz,2SsKj9v9mg0fs3YesH5pkj,1ArfTWwebrzXFvxzlXnFKV,4bOBkYCCIIIp32uQYtRtAR,0QCoA8f4gK0lGtGzCIrBjg,0niB1XqRCw80iWppaAQiEP,5ERWSokrBWx8sUwHV6QN93,66WcaWVGRFmpx0euxmw9yM,05eopGTXIpcaDMgwPN1ViO,4Pngbdh5TjyXa3hOjuDgGE,4XB0xu7PoC5rj8YpHzvo3y,2tY2EdWx0ofDN2h1nldpkz,65ngBEfh5u1B9zbzQN6CQB,6i30DSKZvkxCz2uxqWPhKI,0MsDvKdrvaw1zuk9ew5Ioy,30Fpc4IW7sQFzYJWImWRst,2TsMgZTaacXikcOAEezzyk,1cGqqROuQQGQ2VF2tBihYv,5Tga2UBWNq8YIfh7yiSenY,7Gcs2GtX03rcUps8XAUpMA,0a3C5qrU3jEn00RfjVW3Ep,0E1RL6rKe18aUq70B2fgXs,16BwgbCMbiwREPTS46QNKr,4yMUywwLJwsWd1v9zow2MH,0PZOWtW7Hg8gEhXcQaHXlY,3HrvOaJJfVfe3C2TboSh7Y,The+Two+Friends%2C+Jeff+Sontag%2C+Culture+Code,,,Tristam+%26+Stephen+Walking,Tristam,4QTes6BvO9Ce0jW3qIrAyK,Mendum,Sound+Remedy+%26+Illenium,Melanie+Martinez,,Flux+Pavilion+%7C+www.AudioCastle.net,Unlimited+Gravity,1c6qZNNrTGl3BCw5RExCxC,,%E2%84%92und,5GtukvnwMrQ6Y9F0hCLlyw,6Ig3vDalExljCxjmpaiWpK,3ljB23GWqz8h5c4rAIUkL2,2GrlMsC72IjN8XAZJfMQM7,1mwt9hzaH7idmC5UCoOUkz

You can read a lot of artists names at the end of it, it gathers them from the local files metadata, they come from this playlist: Schermata del 2023-06-06 11-38-04

harbassan commented 1 year ago

oh right yeah that makes sense, I can see some of the songs have either weird ids or just no id at all, which is probably affecting the artists metadata as well actually. Ill let you know when I do the fix so that you can test it.

ApothisXD commented 1 year ago

Could removed songs still in my liked and playlists affect it?

ApothisXD commented 1 year ago


like this one

harbassan commented 1 year ago

yep probably, currently i havent implemented liked songs but if their in your playlists that will cause an error.

harbassan commented 1 year ago

@Cry4775 @ApothisXD @sian57 could you all try out the updated code in the dist branch, im hoping itll fix the issue. If you're still getting an error, let me know.

Cry4775 commented 1 year ago

It's kinda strange but last time I deleted 2 out of 3 playlists that were causing the issues, also to clean up my library from old playlists, and yesterday I randomly noticed that statistics are now working, even though I left one of the playlists that were causing the issue, in fact on console it still prints the errors about that playlist. I tried replicating the issue again, but I couldn't, I also tried the new version to see if the errors in console were still printing at least and yes, nothing changed there. I have no idea how it happened, but I feel like it's loading up some kind of cache too, because if I like a song and add it to library and playlists, the library screen doesn't change, the counter doesn't go up even if I refresh (idk if I'm doing something wrong). Odd things happen :(

harbassan commented 1 year ago

yeah it does cache, and I'm assuming it's not updating because of the same error. Is it the exact same error though? I filtered the id's so technically the url should be fine now. Could you paste it here again just to see.

Cry4775 commented 1 year ago


Here's the URL of the error currently.

harbassan commented 1 year ago

oh right yeah I'm an idiot and made a silly mistake, so the filter didnt actually apply. I'll update it in the morning

harbassan commented 1 year ago

ok try it now, hopefully this finally fixes it

ApothisXD commented 1 year ago

still not working

harbassan commented 1 year ago

your error must've been a different one then, could you show your logs?

ApothisXD commented 1 year ago

Yeah sure, gimme a sec

ApothisXD commented 1 year ago


ApothisXD commented 1 year ago


ApothisXD commented 1 year ago

there ya go

Cry4775 commented 1 year ago

Now it works perfectly for me!

@ApothisXD try filtering the errors by writing "stats" in the filter bar that's above, because the screenshots are cluttered with a lot of errors that are not relevant, so it's easier for him to locate the issue

harbassan commented 1 year ago

Nice, finally.

@ApothisXD you've still got the older code installed, could you try reinstalling it with the link in the README. Make sure you replace the old files and everything.

ApothisXD commented 1 year ago

Ight will do

ApothisXD commented 1 year ago

It works :D

ApothisXD commented 1 year ago


tegraion commented 1 year ago


Thanks @harbassan it's working for me too.

sian57 commented 1 year ago

@Cry4775 @ApothisXD @sian57 could you all try out the updated code in the dist branch, im hoping itll fix the issue. If you're still getting an error, let me know.

sorry completely forgot about this forum, is there anything you needed to me to try sorry?

harbassan commented 1 year ago

Just update and it should work

harbassan commented 1 year ago


lol the percentages are totally messed up, def need to fix that