harbaum / MiSTeryNano

Atari STE MiSTery core for the Tang Nano 20k FPGA
106 stars 15 forks source link

Firmware roadmap #51

Open harbaum opened 3 weeks ago

harbaum commented 3 weeks ago

There are a few things I'd like to add/change in the firmware:

harbaum commented 2 weeks ago

The more functionality is added to the BL616/M0S the more the SDK becomes of a problem. Thus rather high on the list now is:

harbaum commented 1 week ago

The FPGA Companion project will replace the MiSTeryNano firmware: https://github.com/harbaum/FPGA-Companion

It's now seperate as it's also used by several other cores like C64, VIC20 and Minimig/NanoMig

The FPGA Companion can also be built for the Raspberry Pi Pico/RP2040 and the Pico can replace the M0S in a MiSTeryNano setup.