harbaum / galagino

A Galaga, Pac-Man and Donkey Kong arcade emulator for the ESP32
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Galagino on TTGO T4 #14

Closed C64fan closed 1 year ago

C64fan commented 1 year ago

Hi, progressing on the project. All the python scripts succeeded on the roms but with compile of the project the galaga_starseed.h is throwing struct errors. It was a bad sample_boom file, resolved with newly converted file. Thank you

harbaum commented 1 year ago

What are those errors?

harbaum commented 1 year ago

I just did a build from scratch and it worked as it should. So there's something different in your setup.

My assumption is that one of the files was not created properly. It seems the first line if galaga_starseed.h is not parsed properly and thus the following second line in galaga_starseed fails.

My guess is that the file galaga_sample_boom.h is broken as it's included right before galaga_starseed.h . Can you have a look at that file? It shouls start with const unsigned char galaga_sample_boom[] = { and end with }; in the last line.

BTW: Where and how did you run the python scripts? Under Linux or Windows?

If everything else fails, please zip your entire galagino directory containing the sketch and send it to me via email, so i can have a look and try to figure out which file differs and why.

C64fan commented 1 year ago

Hi Till, Little progress, the project compliles but the display stays dark/gray. Are you happy with sharing your TFT_eSPI User_Setup.h and User_Setup_Select.h config files ? Greets,

harbaum commented 1 year ago

I am not using any TFT library and thus no config files like that.

If you apply power and have the LED pin connected correctly then the ili9341 based display will light up bright white. If you have VCC (3.3V), GND and LED connected correctly then the screen should be white.

If that doesn't work and you are using a different setup than mine then you need to figure out how to configure Galagino for that specific board. You need to control the Backlight, drive the displays reset line correctly and finally setup the correct SPI pins.

I don't own one of the boards you use and can't easily help you with that.

C64fan commented 1 year ago

Hi Till, your answer was magic, many thanks. Managed to resolve the pinning, all working ok.

define TFT_CS 27, #define TFT_DC 32, #define TFT_RST 5, #define TFT_BL 4 for LilyGO TTGO T4 V1.3 ESP32.

harbaum commented 1 year ago

Great. How about audio and the controls? How did you solve that?

I'll add your findings to the repository somehow so other TTGO T4 users can find tem.

C64fan commented 1 year ago

Hi Till, making the cabinet out of thin wood with smd audio amplifier, it will be only attraction mode in a pacman collection. I tested the new attraction mode, splashscreen Pacman/Galaga was ok, but the games give disturbed video on my Liligo T4. The old project files function ok for the display. (noticed the display rotation was changed in the new config file) Pinned it down to the led routine, pin 16 on Liligo T4 needs to be disabled or changed. Greets,

C64fan commented 1 year ago

Hi Till, the define MASTER_ATTRACT_GAME_TIMEOUT works fine for pacman, but not for galaga. With define MASTER_ATTRACT_GAME_TIMEOUT 95000 , pacman is indeed 95 secondes but galaga only 37 seconds. I will sent a picture when the mini cabinet is ready, will take some weeks to finish.

harbaum commented 1 year ago

The game timeout part is not finished yet. This needs some major changes as the current solution of resetting the ESP32 in order to return to the main menu causes some crackling noise which I'd like to avoid if the system is supposed to be sitting quietly in master attract mode without bothering anyone.