harbaum / galagino

A Galaga, Pac-Man and Donkey Kong arcade emulator for the ESP32
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Volume Settings #31

Open dirtyharryiv opened 10 months ago

dirtyharryiv commented 10 months ago


is it possible to change the volume per software or do i have to use a potentiometer? Great Project btw!

greets Harry

harbaum commented 10 months ago

There is no volume adjustment in software. The DAC has only 8 bit resolution and I am not sure how much an additional volume control would degrade the sound even further.

I was actually thinking about some kind of mute function to annoy the colleagues a little less ... but that has not been implemented, yet.

bjotos commented 10 months ago

Both PAM8302 and SC8002B have a volume pot, you'd just need to make it accessible from outside of the cabinet. At least with my SC8002B I'm able to completely mute the audio.

dirtyharryiv commented 10 months ago

The volume pod on the PAM8302 is so small i didn't see it. Thanks for the info! Now i just have to figure out how to adjust the volume on that tiny thing...