harbour / core

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Unicode supplemental planes in Harbour #242

Open alcz opened 3 years ago

alcz commented 3 years ago

issue by @kcarmody, i'm just reposting from harbour-devel https://groups.google.com/g/harbour-devel/c/HWgaMNa7T-Y/m/WydcCeH6AAAJ

Surely Przemek and Viktor and everyone helping them know that

Unicode is more than a 16 bit encoding
its upper limit is 0x10FFFF, not 0xFFFF
it consists of 17 "planes", each of which contains 2^16 characters
the first plane, the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP), has code points 0 to 0xFFFF
the other 16 planes, the supplemental planes, have code points 0x10000 to 0x10FFFF
the first supplemental plane, the Supplemental Multilingual Plane (SMP), has code points 0x10000 to 0x1FFFF
until recently only the BMP was normally used
the recent addition of emoticons like 😊 😲😔 to the SMP has made it much more popular

Why then do we see the following?

UTF8 for U+F60A <private-use-F60A> = e"\xEF\x98\x8A"
HB_UTF8CHR(0x1F60A) --> e"\xEF\x98\x8A"
HB_NUMTOHEX(HB_UTF8ASC(e"\xF0\x9F\x98\x8A")) --> "F60A"

Is it a bug or a feature?

alcz commented 3 years ago

IMHO should be qualified as a bug, when not all the neccesary "features" are implemented. Anyway the state of it reflects general needs of Harbour users and initial UTF8 support was actually donated and developed by Przemek. Most interested users seem to be happy with basic plane (right now including me).

Similarly old Windows NT versions were UCS-2 under Unicode wide API, that later evolved into UTF16LE. Oracle had also used CESU-8 under UTF8 name. Nothing new with those misclassifications, upgrade path for the responsible code is not denied.

Would be nice to have some Unicode tests like yours in hbtest too: Placed in a new utils/hbtest/rt_ustr.prg or something.