harbur / captain

Captain - Convert your Git workflow to Docker :whale: containers
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Provide automatic build arguments for Microbadger #61

Open ludovicc opened 8 years ago

ludovicc commented 8 years ago

Microbadger uses some build-time arguments to document a Docker image.

Those are BUILD_DATE and VCS_REF. As they are defined from the environment, it's currently not possible to include them in the build args. Could those values be defined by default in captain?

See https://microbadger.com/#/labels for reference.


dkapanidis commented 8 years ago

As far as I understand the build-args needs to exist inside the Dockerfile to be compiled inside the image (and then those args are going to be available inside the containers)

I haven't investigated yet, so correct me if I'm wrong:

As an alternative, I'd like to propose to use --label instead of --build-args:

ludovicc commented 8 years ago

You are right, build-args not consumed will fail the build. I have tested that with captain.

Docker build supports adding labels and that looks like a nice feature to use here.

But instead of reinventing a set of labels specific to captain, why not use those defined by http://label-schema.org/ ? It's a first start at defining a standard to tag useful information on Docker images.

I would propose a specific extension to captain.yml here:

  build: Dockerfile
  image: harbur/hello-world
    name: “myname”
    description: “This service does awesome Things with Things”
    usage: “/usr/doc/app-usage.txt”
    url: ”http://hello.world”
    vcs-url: "https://github.com/hello/world"
    vendor: “Stark Industries”
    version: “1.2.3”
    depends-on: “tcp://mongo:8000”
    # added by default if label_schema is used:
    #   schema-version: "1.0"
    #   build-date=”2016-04-12T23:20:50.52Z”
    # added by default if git is detected and vcs-url is set:
    #   vcs-type: “git”
    #   vcs-ref: “279FA63”