harbur / captain

Captain - Convert your Git workflow to Docker :whale: containers
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Exit status 0 on nonexistent image #66

Open simt2 opened 7 years ago

simt2 commented 7 years ago

When running e.g. captain build bogus without bogus defined in captain.yml, captain exits with status 0 and without any error message. This breaks CI or anything else relying on an correct exit status.

jurgenweber commented 7 years ago

I think this is a greater issue, if you say enter in a test of 'exit 1' and run captain test, it executes and fails.

the actual exit code is 0, as you said. Not great for CI.

dkapanidis commented 7 years ago

This is probably already fixed by this PR https://github.com/harbur/captain/pull/73. It's not released yet though.

Can you try the master branch to see if it fits your needs until release?

jurgenweber commented 7 years ago

yeah, I saw that and tried to build from master.

But now it will not connect to docker.

Post http://unix.sock/images/<image>:latest/tag?force=1&repo=<image>&tag=735e69f: dial tcp: lookup unix.sock: no such host

I found this and have not tried it yet.