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lesson08中addSplits的粒度感觉还是table而不是key #66

Open Badb-Lee opened 3 months ago

Badb-Lee commented 3 months ago


// 并行的运行子压缩情况
func (lm *levelManager) addSplits(cd *compactDef) {
    cd.splits = cd.splits[:0]
    // Let's say we have 10 tables in cd.bot and min width = 3. Then, we'll pick
    // 0, 1, 2 (pick), 3, 4, 5 (pick), 6, 7, 8 (pick), 9 (pick, because last table).
    // This gives us 4 picks for 10 tables.
    // In an edge case, 142 tables in bottom led to 48 splits. That's too many splits, because it
    // then uses up a lot of memory for table builder.
    // We should keep it so we have at max 5 splits.
    width := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(cd.bot)) / 5.0))
    if width < 3 {
        width = 3
    skr := cd.thisRange
    addRange := func(right []byte) {
        skr.right = utils.Copy(right)
        cd.splits = append(cd.splits, skr)
        skr.left = skr.right
    for i, t := range cd.bot {
        // last entry in bottom table.
        // 最后一个range分配无穷大的空间
        if i == len(cd.bot)-1 {
        // 这里实现的是每(cd.bot/5)个合并成一个
        if i%width == width-1 {
            // 设置最大值为右区间
            right := utils.KeyWithTs(utils.ParseKey(t.ss.MaxKey()), math.MaxUint64)


kebukeYi commented 2 months ago

func (lm levelManager) subcompact(it utils.Iterator, kr keyRange, cd compactDef, inflightBuilders utils.Throttle, res chan<- table) { for it.Valid() { key := it.Item().Entry().Key // 我感觉是这里做了处理, 不在这个key区间的, 直接退出; 虽然这个key区间是根据 bot[] 划分而来; if len(kr.right) > 0 && utils.CompareKeys(key, kr.right) >= 0 { break } // It was true that it.Valid() at least once in the loop above, which means we // called Add() at least once, and builder is not Empty(). if builder.empty() { // Cleanup builder resources: builder.finish() builder.Close() continue } if err := inflightBuilders.Do(); err != nil { // Can't return from here, until I decrRef all the tables that I built so far. break } // 充分发挥 ssd的并行 写入特性, 有疑问; go func(builder tableBuilder) { defer inflightBuilders.Done(nil) defer builder.Close() var tbl *table newFID := atomic.AddUint64(&lm.maxFID, 1) // compact的时候是没有memtable的,这里自增maxFID即可。 // TODO 这里的sst文件需要根据level大小变化 sstName := utils.FileNameSSTable(lm.opt.WorkDir, newFID) tbl = OpenTable(lm, sstName, builder) if tbl == nil { return } res <- tbl }(builder) } }

其实看到这里源码, 我也有一个新的问题: 这个压缩方法会在每一个keyRange区间最低生成一个sstTable, 根本不会将多个处在 不同keyRange的entry 合并到 同一个sstTable中; 假如keyRange1区间的entry只有几个,那么只要 对应的builder不为空,那么也就会创建新的sstTable, 不会跟下一个keyRange1区间的entry进行合并; 这样会不会导致 sstTable数量增多?