hardevine / LaravelShoppingcart

A simple shopping cart implementation for Laravel
MIT License
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How can I get cart item by product id #18

Closed officialmmt closed 3 years ago

officialmmt commented 3 years ago

Hi, I trying to get a product with id without use Cart::content() foreach. It can be possible to get a product like this?

atundo commented 3 years ago


Look at the search function example:


Kessir commented 3 years ago

Like @atundo said, Cart::search() is the official way of getting the cart item.

Unfortunately it can be quite inefficient if you need to do it a lot. My solution is to guess the $rowId myself using this function from the library:

protected function generateRowId($id, array $options)
    return md5($id . serialize($options));

If you are not using the options array when adding items to cart, you can simplify it to :

$rowId =  md5($productId . serialize([]));
$cartItem = Cart::get($rowId);