hardillb / nginx-proxy-avahi-helper

A container to generate matching mDNS CNAMEs for the virtual hosts used by jwilder/nginx-proxy
Apache License 2.0
15 stars 2 forks source link

Get mdns-publisher via multi-stage build #9

Closed techiebod closed 1 year ago

techiebod commented 1 year ago

Removed pkgs and pip to thin this down much further now, also note I snuck in a change to pin us to a less specific version of Python

techiebod commented 1 year ago

Saves a little more disk space:

$ docker image ls -f 'reference=*/nginx-proxy-avahi-helper'
REPOSITORY                           TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
techiebod/nginx-proxy-avahi-helper   latest    902838d0d51b   7 minutes ago   188MB
hardillb/nginx-proxy-avahi-helper    latest    1439858f1045   2 days ago      564MB

And makes the Python version a variable. Sorry for back and forth!

Tested with a no-cache build this time! And sorry for the odd ARG name, but PYTHON_VERSION is in the image as an Env which appears to take precedence over ARGs, if there's a better way to do this please let me know