hardillb / node-red-contrib-alexa-home-skill

A Node-RED node to control things via Amazon Alexa
Apache License 2.0
89 stars 42 forks source link

Connection refused #84

Closed zraken closed 4 years ago

zraken commented 4 years ago

Followed steps from documentation but I'm seeing this in the node-red log:

Jul 06 17:38:30 rpi2 Node-RED[5350]: 6 Jul 17:38:30 - [error] [alexa-home-conf:eac45643.46e308] Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Jul 06 17:38:36 rpi2 Node-RED[5350]: 6 Jul 17:38:36 - [error] [alexa-home-conf:eac45643.46e308] Error: Connection refused: Not authorized

This has been going on for a long time so I deleted the node. On the Alexa side I was able to link the account and discover devices correctly. The only thing I did different is that I deployed tab with "Alexa Home" after setting up account credentials and prior to trying to look up devices. As soon as I hit deploy I see these errors.

hardillb commented 4 years ago

Ignore that error, 30 seconds later it will connect on port 1883 it is it just using a fail over address that it currently not running.

To prevent seeing the message on every deploy change your deploy type to just changed nodes (click the arrow on the end of the deploy button), since the config node will not change it won't tear the connection down and restart it on each deploy

zraken commented 4 years ago

This error has been going on for minutes, these messages are repeating every 5-6 seconds. Also, I am not seeing the devices in the dropdown (I hit refresh still nothing).

hardillb commented 4 years ago

Then your password is wrong (or it contains a @ symbol) change the password by using the forgotten password link here https://alexa-node-red.bm.hardill.me.uk/lostPassword

hardillb commented 4 years ago

Actually if it's failing to connect to the MQTT broker then the password is just wrong, it's not the @ symbol

zraken commented 4 years ago

My password contains one uppercase letter and some lowercase letters and a couple of numbers. Is there a limit on the number of characters?

hardillb commented 4 years ago

You must have a typo when you entered it into Node-RED if the MQTT connection is failing.

zraken commented 4 years ago

Is there a way to delete my account and restart from scratch?

hardillb commented 4 years ago

Use the link I posted to change your password

zraken commented 4 years ago

Ok, I'll try that.