hardmaru / slimevolleygym

A simple OpenAI Gym environment for single and multi-agent reinforcement learning
Apache License 2.0
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Dependency Issues with Pyglet #21

Open jackokeefe11 opened 7 months ago

jackokeefe11 commented 7 months ago

Was having difficulties getting the code to run with the given dependencies.

I downgraded my Python to 3.8.18 and changed Pyglet to 1.5.28 rather than the 1.5.11 in the requirements.txt.

I additionally downgraded pip and setuptools so that gym==0.19.0 could be installed as newer versions cannot be used. I used: pip install setuptools==65.5.0 pip==21

jonajosejg commented 5 months ago

Did it finally work with that?

rulimanurung commented 5 months ago

FWIW, I just tried this out today and ran into the same issue. In my case I just needed to downgrade Pyglet and gym to the specific versions specified in requirements.txt, e.g.:

$ pip install --force-reinstall -v "pyglet==1.5.11"
$ pip install --force-reinstall -v "gym==0.19.0"

I didn't have to downgrade neither Python, pip nor setuptools.