harelba / q

q - Run SQL directly on delimited files and multi-file sqlite databases
GNU General Public License v3.0
10.15k stars 419 forks source link

Package for pypi #14

Closed thenoviceoof closed 9 years ago

thenoviceoof commented 10 years ago

Any reason/objection to doing that?

It looks like https://pypi.python.org/pypi/q is already taken, so an expanded name would have to be thought up.

harelba commented 10 years ago

Sorry for the late reploy. Definitely no reason not to do that, you're right, although i'm not sure what is required for this to happen. I'll start digging and send updates.

thenoviceoof commented 10 years ago

The only thing I don't know how to do is to auto-make a user-specific configuration file, but everything else should be pretty straightforward.

juanpabloaj commented 9 years ago


juanpabloaj commented 9 years ago

@thenoviceoof I started this setup.py file for local installation with pip.


harelba commented 9 years ago

I'm doing this as part of the bigger refactoring process for q's code, separating between "qtextasdata" python module, and a command line frontend which will be called q.

This will allow installing and reusing the python module using pip, separately from the command line.


juanpabloaj commented 9 years ago

ok, I understand.

for now, I pushed this branch


for install q with pip from github with

pip install git+https://github.com/juanpabloaj/q.git@from_github
webmaven commented 9 years ago

@harelba Any idea when qtextasdata will be pip-intsallable, then?

harelba commented 9 years ago

Hi @webmaven I'm not sure it will be available for the upcoming 1.5.0 version, but it's planned for the next one, 1.6.0.

If i manage to squeeze it into 1.5.0 (due in a couple of weeks, i believe), I will update here.

harelba commented 9 years ago

I've created a python API so q can be used as a module from python code. I will commit an alpha version of it to the master branch in a couple of days.

Once the API is ok, I'll add the pip related stuff.

webmaven commented 9 years ago


harelba commented 9 years ago

Alpha branch of the python api has been committed to https://github.com/harelba/q/tree/expose-as-python-api.

If you have any ideas on how to make this module a full fledged pypi module without breaking any existing q installation code, that would be great.

Any input would be helpful and appreciated.


harelba commented 9 years ago

Forgot to write - The readme file of the branch contains the required information about the API.

webmaven commented 9 years ago

What if you split the q python package into a pypi installable package (although q is taken), and then made it a dependency of the system installable q-text-as-data?

harelba commented 9 years ago

That's what probably I'll do eventually if there is no other option, but that's exactly what I wanted to prevent - Doing that would require fixing all the installation code for homebrew/rpm/debian/arch, and I would really like to find a good way to work around doing that, since it will postpone the time the API support will be released.

webmaven commented 9 years ago

OK, how about this then:

Split the q python package into a pypi installable package, and then pull it in here as a git submodule, rather than as a system package or Python dependency?

harelba commented 9 years ago

Closing this issue and merging it with https://github.com/harelba/q/issues/24 so the dicussions will happen only in one location.

harelba commented 9 years ago

Forgot to close it - Duplicate of #24