hargata / lubelog

LubeLogger is a web-based vehicle maintenance and fuel mileage tracker
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[Feature Request] VIN/Serial Number Field for Vehicles (Besides Custom Fields) #485

Open CivisMiles opened 1 month ago

CivisMiles commented 1 month ago

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Description Request to add a VIN/Serial Number Number Field for Vehicles. I know you can make a custom field for this but doing so does not show it on the Garage Homepage nor exempt you from entering a License Plate in the case of Mowers, ATVs, Tractors, Etc. Yes, you can enter it in the license plate field, but what if you want to enter both the VIN and the License for a car.

What I see it being is when editing/creating a vehicle there is two fields, one for the license plate and one for the VIN/Serial. It is mandatory to fill out one of the fields but doesn't give you an error when leaving the other blank, and if you enter both, you can select which one displays on the Garage Home page.

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