hariharan-devarajan / dlio_benchmark

This is repository for a I/O benchmark which represents Scientific Deep Learning Workloads.
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Explanation of commnad line options #4

Closed laytonjbgmail closed 1 year ago

laytonjbgmail commented 1 year ago

I just started looking at DLIO and I was wondering if there is a document that explains the options used with the mpirun command?


hariharan-devarajan commented 1 year ago

My apologies for not having good documentation for this.

Take a look at https://github.com/hariharan-devarajan/dlio_benchmark/blob/master/scripts/cosmic.sh script.

This has been tested on Theta machine in ALCF.

If you have issues running please let me know.

hariharan-devarajan commented 1 year ago

for commond line options in DLIO you can do a -h on the ${DLIO_ROOT}/src/dlio_benchmark.py

laytonjbgmail commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your quick reply.

Two things - First, I can't get DLIO installed and running (that's a different ticket) so I can't use "-h".

Second - the script you pointed me to does not explain what the options mean. I'm looking for a document that, as an example, have something like,

"-sf 6000 means that the of layers is 6,000"

I probably didn't explain myself clearing in my initial post.

The list of options I'm looking for are:

-fa shared -nf 1 -sf 6000 -rl 40960 -bs 1 -ec 1 -cs 4096 -df {$APP_DATA_DIR} -gd 1 -go 1 -k 1

Can you explain what these options mean?


hariharan-devarajan commented 1 year ago

Ok i added it to the documentation for your reference.


Let me know if you need more explaination.

laytonjbgmail commented 1 year ago

Thank you - I quickly looked at the explanation and it looks good.


hariharan-devarajan commented 1 year ago

Great I will close the issue