harisaamin / Open-Data-API

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Variable sequencing. #7

Open harisaamin opened 7 years ago

harisaamin commented 7 years ago

From @harisaamin on January 25, 2017 15:27

17: open_data_df = pd.read_excel(ATTENDANCE_DATA_FILE, 0, index_col=None, na_values=['NA']) 18: cplc_data_df = pd.read_excel(CPLC_DATA, 'Combined 2013', index_col=None, na_values=['NA']) 19: cplc_idx_size = len(cplc_data_df.index._data) 20: idx_size = len(open_data_df.index._data)

The sequence of the len functions in line 19 and 20 needs to follow the sequence given for the open_data_df and cplc_data_df variables in line 17 and 18.

Copied from original issue: codeforpakistan/Open-Data-API#2

QuinnWilton commented 7 years ago

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