harjot-oberai / MusicDNA

A Music Player for android that renders beautiful DNA(Visualization) of the currently playing music.
2.83k stars 582 forks source link

Add to F-Droid #24

Closed airon90 closed 7 years ago

airon90 commented 7 years ago

Please, add your app on F-Droid. See how to submit an app on F-Droid catalogue.

IzzySoft commented 7 years ago

And if you find that too troublesome: maybe you at least consider adding the .apk here at Github (best in releases/, see Creating Releases)? I could then pick it up and add it to my F-Droid compatible repo, keeping your signature. Updates would then be available within 24h of your adding them here :)

Poussinou commented 7 years ago

This app on F-Droid will be amazing !

IzzySoft commented 7 years ago

@Poussinou It is, in a way now. You'd just need to add my repo to your F-Droid client :smiley_cat:

The "official repo" might choke on e.g. Crashlytics, which is integrated with the player, and thus not accept it.

@harjot-oberai For an alternative to require the READ_PHONE_STATE (which in connection with INTERNET always looks suspicious, as thanks to some ad networks the first thought is you might wish to transmit device IDs), take a look at my post here. There are ways to detect an incoming call by other means that via that permission. In short, as an incoming call "rings the bell", just register for the onAudioFocusChange(); then check whether it was triggered by a call (checking current CallState does not require any permission). Just as a hint :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

harjot-oberai commented 7 years ago

@IzzySoft : Thank you very much. I added the release apk today here on github after reading @Poussinou comment. Then I remembered that you had offered to upload the apk on your F-Droid repo. Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.

Also the READ_PHONE_STATE permission; I have received at least 10 bad reviews just for that. Thanks for suggesting the workaround, I'll surely implement it as soon as possible.

I will add the F-Droid banner as well and link your repo to it 👍

IzzySoft commented 7 years ago

@harjot-oberai Yeah, that's what I meant by "looking suspicious". Some US president once said, "90% of our politicians make the remaining 10% look bad", same here: There've been too many abuses in the past, and permissions are very far from being fine-grained. Unfortunately, the way via READ_PHONE_STATE is the one recommended via the developer docs, and at that the only one mentioned (and really easy to implement, as far as I've heard – I'm not an Android dev myself, just an "Android Enthusiast" trying to make the world a better place :smile_cat: ). The work-around I recommended is a bit harder, keeping my fingers crossed for an easy go! Maybe one day someone makes that a little module others can simply add to their apps (wink, wink ;)

I added the release apk today here on github

Thanks a lot, in the name of all your users who wanted that – present and future :)

I will add the F-Droid banner as well and link your repo to it :+1:

Very much appreciated, thanks! Makes it easier for interested users to find it!

Poussinou commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot guys, you're amazing :) this app is beautiful

IzzySoft commented 7 years ago

@harjot-oberai if you've implemented the alternative approach to "phone state", please let me know (including how difficult it was, and maybe hints you would give to other developers to save them some headaches). Might convince some of them, and make several apps "look cleaner" :wink:

PS: I just learned about the effect an F-Droid icon with a download link behind it can have. 284 downloads of the .apk already on my end – which makes 15+ downloads a day on average :scream_cat::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: As only 77 "referrers" account for your GH repo, it seems it's picked up directly via the F-Droid client pretty well, too :innocent: