harjot-oberai / MusicDNA

A Music Player for android that renders beautiful DNA(Visualization) of the currently playing music.
2.83k stars 582 forks source link

a huge amount of updates to gradles, dependencies, and related code #65

Closed TacoTheDank closed 5 years ago

TacoTheDank commented 5 years ago

aight babe its been a year since any actual changes so its about time it was updated

harjot-oberai commented 5 years ago

Thanks for updating the dependencies and other stuff, I had been delaying this for far too long. It will take me some time to review everything.

TacoTheDank commented 5 years ago

gonna be making some more changes to accommodate the results of apk testing, namely trying to fix something causing crashes when certain buttons are pressed (i actually suck at coding tbh)

ill just implement crashlytics back for the sake of it

harjot-oberai commented 5 years ago

Yup, I noticed that you removed crashlytics. It ok though, no need to add it back. I was already thinking of moving on to something like sentry.

harjot-oberai commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I closed this accidentally 😅

TacoTheDank commented 5 years ago


TacoTheDank commented 5 years ago

i completely redid this, but much much better https://github.com/harjot-oberai/MusicDNA/pull/66