harjot-oberai / MusicDNA

A Music Player for android that renders beautiful DNA(Visualization) of the currently playing music.
2.83k stars 582 forks source link

redid pull request with significantly better code changes #66

Closed TacoTheDank closed 5 years ago

TacoTheDank commented 5 years ago

delet this = deleted files (just icons in this) gradles = gradle changes (includes readme and proguard) java = java changes xml = xml changes

i think the most important part of this (release-wise) is that i actually added support for f-droid releases (which i will work on getting the app in once this is merged)

Signed-off-by: TacoTheDank SkytkRSfan3895@gmail.com

TacoTheDank commented 5 years ago

cleaning up my projects...