harksys / HawkEye

A useful app for GitHub Notifications
MIT License
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Select repositories/activity you'd like to receive notifications for #10

Closed joeyfigaro closed 7 years ago

joeyfigaro commented 7 years ago

There's an awful lot of stuff I don't want to be notified of. Currently no way to parse any of it out / highlight the repositories I do want to watch.

andrewhathaway commented 7 years ago

Hi @joeyfigaro! Some sort of mute filter per repository might be useful for this. Appreciate the issue!

GoldenChaos commented 7 years ago

If this were a feature I would stop using Github's built-in notification system and switch to this full time. The one thing that GitHub notifications are missing, imo.

bterlson commented 7 years ago

Chiming in to say that this is the feature that will get me on board.

More details of my scenario: I have repos that I need to be subscribed to but only need to check notifications occasionally. Some repos I don't care to get notifications for unless I'm explicitly mentioned. I also would like to be able to group repos so I can eg. click tc39 and process notifications for all repos under that GitHub org.

andrewhathaway commented 7 years ago

Good to hear this will help. So from @bterlson requirements, this sounds more complicated than just being able to filter out repositories. Sounds like more complicated mute-rules, unless by default we make it filter by repository unless mentioned?

More complicated mute-rules sounds to me like it could get messy, both from a UI stand point and users accidentally muting everything by having crossing-over rules.

If you could also help me out, and give me your thoughts on what you think would work best for you, we can work towards the best approach.

bterlson commented 7 years ago

@andrewhathaway I think the two things that would be perfect for me are per-repo mute-unless-mentioned (you could also consider check boxes for notification types so eg. I could choose to only be notified about a repo's issues where I'm mentioned or when they release, say), and organization filters.

andrewhathaway commented 7 years ago

@bterlson Okay so this could work. Instead of per-repo muting from a whole, or adding a whole filter set, we can just have a set of checkboxes per repository for the Reason and Subject Types. Unchecking will result in muting. How does that sound?

bterlson commented 7 years ago

@andrewhathaway It sounds phenomenal, but the typical caveat that the user never knows what he actually wants applies :-P

bterlson commented 7 years ago

Also an org filter (along with the others on the left?) would be greatly appreciated for people who have to switch hats frequently.

andrewhathaway commented 7 years ago

@bterlson Would be great if you could file another for the org filter, as thats a separate concern!

andrewhathaway commented 7 years ago

Hi @joeyfigaro @GoldenChaos and @bterlson.

I have created a PR (#21) with the ability to do the mentioned above. If you guys could take a look, then we can get this in and possibly push out a version for you guys to use!


andrewhathaway commented 7 years ago

Closing due to merged #21.